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"What's happening?" Kaylee asks storming into the living room. "What am I hearing about Bill?"

Angelo shifts on his chair to look at his wife before waving the driver he was talking to off. "Gio thinks Bill betrayed us, he's having a chat with him right now.

"No no, he would do that." Kaylee shakes her head."And if at all,  why we  aren't having the conversation in the open?" Kaylee folds her arms

"Come on now, we can't be seen playing favorates with our staffs."

"Bill is more than a staff, he is like family!" Kaylee tries to control her tone but she ends up yelling.

"But he is not," Angelo stands up. "Our daughter might be in danger because of him. He helped her escape."

"Call Gio off, we are going to get the information we need from Bill respectfully. I have already lost enough family."

"Don't go soft on me Kaylee. We need our plans to attack back on track, in order for that to happen, we need Gianna back."

"Get Gio to stop torturing him." Kaylee says through gritted teeth.

"So what's next in your fucking plan, hope it's a plan on how we don't get capped. Coming here, I got stares like I was going to get jumped." Jamal follows Nico downstairs.

"All they can do is stare, they don't know exactly where the power lies after yesterday, so they are holding off."

"All the more reason we need to get Rudy's men on our fucking side."

"I thought about that, you are right. In as much as I can't trust them, I want Rudy when he comes out to have doubts about them too."

"I will get them gathered." Jamal says picking Nico's shirt that  was left on the ground. He throws it at Nico who's lying on the bed.

Nico catches it and places it beside him. "By the way, Beth wants to run the gang. What to you think about that?" Nico sits up on his bed.

"It's better to have her as an ally than an enemy."

"I will think of something to keep her busy, instead of her focusing on ruining our plans." Nico groans. "I need to go to Roger's territory to ensure he doesn't screw me out of our deal."

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown, or what ever people fucking say."

Nico chuckles before standing up, he places his hands on Jamal's shoulder.  Jamal looks at the hand on his shoulder before staring at his friend.

"I will be needing you a lot to talk to gang, I know they won't listen to me because of my history, but they will listen to you."

"Got you always bro," Jamal nods.

"Thanks bro,"

"Why don't you guys fucking kiss?" Beth voices comes out now where, getting the guys to take a step away form each other.

They locating the owner of the voice at the stairs.

"What to you want now?" Nico rolls his eyes.

"I heard Rudy will be out this night. He won't see me, he thinks I had something to do with this shit."

"Aww, don't pout you will find another boyfriend to control." Nico mocks.

"Don't be an asshole Nic, it means my head is on the chopping block along with yours. I need to know what's going on in your head, for my protection." With a much lower voice, "What are you planning?"

"Say please?" Nico mocks.

Jamal bursts out laughing, Beth glared at him.

Nico clears his throat, in a more serious tone. "I need help getting protection from Rudy's men, can you convince them to be loyal to me?"

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