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The dinner table is usually filled but with twins and Sarah are having exams, the table only consists of Gianna, Jacob, Elizabeth and Nico.

"You look better than before." Beth says breaking the silence.

"That's because I have a great nurse." Jacob says, smiling at Gianna. She smiles back.

"Talking about Jacob, a birdie whispered to me while I was in the shop that two of the guys that beat him up are in the hospital. One with a broken jaw and rib and the other with a bullet wound to his leg." Nico says looking directly at his sister.

"Whoa, What happened?" Jacob asks.

"What happened is that they didn't respect the fact that you are untouchable and they were punished."

"You mean Rudy did that?"

"Of course," Beth says.

Nico looks at her suspiciously not believing a word she says. " You mean Rudy shot and beat up his guys for you?"

Beth looks at Nico, they are both staring at each other like it's a competition, "Yeah, besides he needed to because they need to respect him. If he says someone is untouchable, they remain untouchable."

Still not believing, "Impressive," Nico says with a sinister smile in his lips.

Beth looks away as she resumes eating her spaghetti.


"You want to say something?" Beth asks Nico who after dinner followed her to her room.

"Yeah, I actually I do."

"Go on." Beth says as she rocks her baby to sleep.

"I find it funny that, just yesterday Rudy didn't want to do anything about Jacob's case but all of a sudden this happens."

"I made him see things in a different light."


"When he gives his word, they should be able to respect it. I told him he needs to enforce that respect."

"You know what I believe?" Nico starts off, "You did this all by yourself and I am sure Rudy has no idea."

Beth lips shapes into a lopsided smile, "So, what if I did? I told you I will take care of things."

"Well, if you did, that means you don't have Rudy wrapped around your little finger as we thought you did and that could be dangerous for us. We are not protected as you say we are and his words amount to nothing."

Nico walks out of the room then stops at the door frame.

"Maybe someone else should be taking care of things." Nico says before closing the door.


"Why are we meeting up here and not in your house?" Jamal asks as he takes his seat on the bar stool.

Jamal arrived back at Purple vile an hour ago. After visiting his little brother and Grandma back at his house, he texted Nico for them to meet up. Nico texted they should meet at the bar where Jamal works.

"The walls have ears." Nico says emptying his bottle of beer.

"What does that mean?" Jamal asks as he signals to one of his coworkers behind the counter to bring him one beer.

"Gianna is already asking questions about you, we need to be careful."

"Ann? Do you think she's that smart to figure our plans out?"

"I don't know but I never underestimate anyone, they don't underestimate me."

"Good you are back, you have an early morning shift." Jamal's coworker says as he drops the beer on the counter.

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