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"If you are going to be frowning and glaring at my guys all day, maybe you shouldn't be here," Rudy says as he adjusts on his not so stable couch.

Rudy's home is always rowdy with his guys and their hoes, there's little or no privacy. The air is always filled with smoke from cigars and vapes. The furniture is old and some use the wall for support. When Beth started dating Rudy she felt really uncomfortable but now, she is used to it.

Beth isn't enduring all this because she is in love with Rudy, she has stopped believing in love when Leo; David's father left her.

Beth and Leo were high school lovers and the town's couple goals. Even though Leo left for college they still remain strong. Leo dropped out of college during his final years, Beth didn't know why but supported him still.

After he came back, he changed. He couldn't control his temper, he felt like a failure and he thought everyone saw him like that too. He started drinking and taking drugs. Beth tried to find him a job, get him to clean up his act but he took all that the wrong way.

When Beth got pregnant, he didn't even wait for her to tell him, he saw the pregnancy test in the toilet and he ran. Beth was heartbroken for months, Jacob was nothing but supportive.

By the time she gave birth, the power of the streets was handed to the reckless Rudy and there was a need for the family to remain protected as they were when Adam was in charge. Rudy has always had a crush on Beth since high school, he expressed his feeling a couple of times after Leo left. Eventually, she went for him.

"So you want me to leave?" Beth folds her arms till glaring at his friends who beat up and pulled a gun at Jacob. They are playing strip poker in the dining room.

"No, of course not babe," Rudy says removing the hair strands blocking her sight and putting behind her ear.

Beth smacks his hands away and resumes folding her arms and glaring.

"You are being a rude bitch right now, I don't know what you want for me?"

Beth turns to Rudy with an eyebrow raised, "You don't know what I want? I want your bitches in similar conditions to my brother."

"You know that can't happen. They never intended in beating your brother. Your brother threw the first punch at them in defense of "his friend"." Rudy puts his last words in air quotes. "You baby your brothers too much, they are grown men and they can take a punch."

"I know they can take a punch but if I am dating you, they shouldn't have to."

"So you admit it, you are only dating for your family safety."

Beth looks away, "Of course not," She lies.

Rudy sighs, "They didn't know about brother's sexuality..."

Beth interrupts, "What about his sexuality? It took me less than one second to understand that is gay."

"Relax, I am not shaming him. All I am saying it's not going to happen again."

Beth's eyes move to what's happening under the dining table, where Spark's (the one who pulled a gun at Jacob) girlfriend has her hands on his best friend; Ghost's pants.

"Oh, it won't," Beth smirks.

After a few minutes, Sparks leaves the gathering to go to the toilet.

"I am coming," Beth says to Rudy as she stands up and follows Sparks shortly after.

Beth walks into the dark narrow hallway. Moans coming from the locked rooms as she passes them, she stops outside the toilet and waits for Sparks to come out. After a few minutes, the muscular Sparks comes out adjusting his pants.

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