B&W 4.

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"...No aapi, not at all. I'll do that for you" she grinned seeing her sister return the gesture.

"I'll make a sketch for what you're asking for and then I'll ask Asha to stitch it up for you" Wafa winked at her sister who blushed a light hue of pink.

It was going to be Safa's husband, Faris's birthday this week and she wanted to surprise him with a small celebration and for that she needed a dress, and who else would've been better than her own sister who was a designer by profession.

"I promise I won't disappoint you." Wafa said placing a hand on her arm.

"I know." Safa smiled softly.

The past few months were a roller coaster of emotions. Safa's marriage was a surprise for all especially for her. Circumstances made saying no to the proposal difficult, almost impossible.

Faris was a nice guy and it took her months to finally open her eyes to his kind nature. The guilt of her emotions had started fading away, his acceptance for her after all she had confessed made his love make home in the centre of her heart pushing every other thing to the darkest corners.

He didn't judge her, sure he didn't talk to her for weeks straight but when he did she knew he was the one for her.

The peace and brightness was untill two months earlier when Buraak showed up at their door step with a proposal for Wafa.

It was an unaccepted blow for the family, no one had asked for Wafa's hand in marriage knowing of her odd behavior but when Buraak's parents placed forward the proposal it didn't take her mother a second to blink before the marriage was fixed without her or Wafa's opinion.

She wanted to confront her mother about this but when her step father  threw a fit about her mother finalizing things on her own, made her stay quiet . His growing attention for Wafa made her want to slip Wafa out of his house now that she was married herself.

"And... Aapi you know I made a few new designs and my boss said she liked them alot. I still have to tell Buraak about continuing my job though" she said with a friend tugging at the corner of her lips.

"You do that. Alright Wafa I'll take my leave now okay?" She said getting up.

"But aapi. Buraak was just about to return from work why don't you have dinner with us?" She asked frowning. It was as if Buraak was only waiting to be mentioned when his voice boomed in the living room.

"Would you look at that. If it isn't my lovely Sister in law" he smirked coming forward, looping an arm around Wafa's waist pulling her close making her eyes widened in sheer surprise.

"Assalamualikum" Safa muttered looking away from his gaze.

"Waalaikumsalam" he said with a slow nod of his head, that smirk not leaving his lips.

"Assalamualikum" Wafa whispered meekly from his side- feeling jittery and warm- making him feel her presence beside him. His hands itched to remove themselves from her side but he kept her held in his arm.

"Please Safa have a seat. Ive just arrived and you're leaving like this." He said with a mocking frown infuriating her.

"Yes. Yes. Aapi you sit. I'll help Sabra Apa in getting the dinner ready. You know she's been teaching me a few things. I'll go" Wafa exclaimed running off to Sabra's room.

"So. How are you Safa? How's Faris?" He asked leaning back on the couch keeping his sharp gaze on her figure.

"I'm fine and Faris is also doing great alhumdulilah" she said trying to keep her fidgeting fingers hidden under her dupatta.

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