A&N 5. Epilogue.

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3 years later...

It was 2:00 in the morning when the silent dark room filled with the noises of a person groaning in pain.

"Ss. Ya Allah Aman" Nazish called out to her husband who was passed out next to her.

"AMAN" She yelled in frustration slapping his shoulder.

"Huh what?" Aman woke up wiping the trail of drool from the side of his mouth.

"We... have.... to... go... to.... the.
. hospital" she said taking deep breaths.

"Hmm" Aman hummed still asleep.

"Ya Allah.... AMAN WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL" Nazish yelled in his ear directly.

"What? Oh.. WHAT?" He yelled once he registered what was going on.

"Get ready" she said trying to stable her self.

"I'm ready" he said.

"Really Aman" she said rolling her eyes at him who stood just in his boxersm

"Aman. I swear I'll drive by myself and I'm in no position of driving" she groaned getting up and throwing his T-shirt at him.

"Find the pants in your own" she said grabbing the bag. She turned around to see Aman frozen on his spot.

"TUM KIA NASHA KARKE SOYE THE. HOSH ME AAO" she yelled slapping him across his face but not as hard as she wanted to.


"Haan.. Haan chalo" he said wearing the shirt she gave him and taking the bag and keys and running to the door.

(Yes... Yeah let's go)

"TUMHE SHAHRUKHAN BANNE KA SHAUK HAI AMAN?" she yelled in pain and frustration.


"SHAHRUKHAN KA YAHAN KIA KAAM HAI?" He yelled panicked and confused as to what his wife was saying.

She pointed to his bare legs and walked to the door.

"Aman pant tu pehn lo" she said laughing and crying at the same time but then winced when the contraction hit.

(Aman at least wear pants)

"We dont have time for jokes Nazish. Chalo ab" he said pulling up a pair of sweats.

He finally helped his wife in the car then called his sister to look after Zainab.

"You're an idiot" Nazish said throwing her head back as the pain becomes unbearable.

"Seriously out all the times you want to say this now" he said trying to focus on the road.

"This IS THE CORRECT TIME TO SAY IT. ooff IF I SURVIVE THIS IM SURELY GOINF TO KILL YOU" She yelled clutching his arm tightly.

"As if my pulse would last that long with you stopping the blood flow" he said rolling his eyes making her cry out loud.

"Dafa hojao Aman tum bht bure ho" she said weeping. Aman sighed and parked the car in the hospitals parking lot.

(Get lost you're the worst Aman)

"WE NEED HELP HERE" he yelled like a mad man putting Nazish on a wheel chair which the ward boy brought.

"Ya Allah..." She said as they shifted her in the labour room.

After hours of wait and insults Aman heard the cry of his newborn baby.

"Alhumdulilah" he whispered with tears in his eyes and a grin on his face. He looked at hus wife's face covered in sweat and exhaustion written all over it yet she had a smile on her face that made her seem like the most gorgeous woman he's laid his eyes on ever in his life.

Though he was a father before hand but he never experienced an actual birth last time he wasn't even there when Zainab was born since it was a surgical birth but everything went well.

He now knows how much pain a woman has to go through inorder to bring a life in this world and his respect for her grew ever more.

"Shukria" he said kissing her forehead as the doctor brought him his baby girl.

(Thank you)

"She's so precious" Nazish whispered looking at their baby with clear adoration written on her face

"Just like me" she further added.

"Yeah yeah take away all the credit" he said rolling his eyes while he played with her tiny hands.

"She's so tiny and cute" he said with tears in his eyes.

"She's precious like a treasure" he said kissing his daughter's forehead.

"Our little treasure" Nazish said scooting closer.

"What should we name her?" Aman asked.

"Inayah" Nazish said taking the baby girl in her arms.

"Our gift from Allah" he said hugging his girls close.

The family arrived and blessed the couple and Inayah with their numerous duas.

The first year was hard for Nazish since her mother in law didn't approve of her but the everything went back to normal. Her uncle was arrested for being involved in gambling and other illegal things.

Zainab and her bond only strengthened. Snowball grew up to be the cutest cat in the world and for her Zainab adopted another cat Timmy now they both also have a family like them.

Aman and Nazish grew more and more in love with each passing second with Aman's forgetfulness and silly mistakes not a single was passed when Nazish hadn't laughed at his antics.

When they found out they were going to be parents they couldn't stop thanking Allah. Aman couldn't stop crying due to the happiness he felt.
Zainab was ecstatic to know she was going to be an older sister. She was the one who prayed day and night to have a little sister and now her prayers were answered.


Years go by but memories don't.
Age decreases but feeling don't.
Bodies grow old but hearts don't.
Life keeps passing and so does time.
Its not always rainbows and Sunshines.
Its a lesson to be learnt.
A test to given.
A quarter to be earned.
A name to be made.
A duty to be performed.
Years go by but memories don't.
Age decreases but feeling don't.
Bodies grow old but hearts don't.

Life is not always glittery and pretty it tough and raw with no filter to conceal.
Its hard but do able. Smarter we work and harder we fight.
Its game of hate. But love will survive.


Assalamualikum guys how are you all?

So this is the wrap of
نا چاہتے ہوئے بھی میں اسکا اور میری بن گئ

Unwillingly I became hers and she became mine

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Though I dont know why I think I rushed things towards the end but if you guys feel the same then please tell in the comments.

Also I wanted to ask you guys that I know many people are saying I'm dragging the plot of her silence screamed a thousand words and I also think the same but I think if I rush it would be bland like oh woah it all just happened so please dont mind and hate me if the book reaches like I dont know 50 episodes or above.

The reason why I named the parts as episodes is because I knew I'm gonna mess up with chapters so I only like have 5 chapters and the parts included in them are feeling so please dont hate me because this all explanation will take episodes so be patient with me y'all I'll try not to drag it but if I somehow do which I think I would then please dont hate me.

^^ sorry for the rant above but give me your opinion please.

Also comment and vote about this chapter and my rant above😁


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