1st Surgery

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Avia's POV: Yesterday I was diagnosed with Leukemia and today I have to get surgery. During the surgery the doctors are going to put in a portacath which is how they are going to draw blood and give me chemo. I am not worried about the surgery because the doctor said I would be asleep and wouldn't feel a thing, which is good considering how painful yesterday was. I woke up and had some ginger ale which was the only thing I was aloud to have before surgery, I was aloud to have ginger ale because later in the day it hopefully prevent me from being nausea which sometimes people get from anesthesia. I was sitting at the counter drinking my ginger ale when Emmi came and also got a ginger ale out of the fridge, I said Emmi its 8 in the morning your not supposed to be drinking ginger ale. But its 8 in the morning and your drinking ginger ale Emmi said with smirk. I knew she thought she would get me in trouble, Emmi I said sighing I'm supposed to drink the ginger ale because of surgery you can even ask mom. MOM Emmi screamed, I knew she didn't believe me. Is Avia allowed to be drinking ginger ale, yes Emmi mom said Avia is allowed to be drinking ginger ale. Am I allowed to have some then Emmi said getting her hopes up. Nope mom said its 8 in the morning which means its way to early for soda. But its not fair Emmi complained, Avia gets to drink soda. That's when mom pulled Emmi into hers and dads  bedroom to talk to her, I finished up my ginger ale and went over to the couch to play Fifa with Gavin. Gavin killed me but I had fun playing with him anyway, we were about to start another game when dad told me we had to go to the hospital. Gavin and I cleaned up our Xbox stuff and headed out to the car, Gavin, Mom, Dad and I were going to the hospital now and Aunt Kayli and Uncle Casey would come to the hospital later with the rest of the kids. As we approached the hospital I began to get nervous, I mean I know that its a simple procedure and I'll be fine but I mean its also my first surgery and I had every right to be nervous. When we got to the hospital we went to the front desk to admit for the day, then a nurse came a with a wheelchair to bring to the oncology center of the hospital. I was very confused, I thought I was getting surgery so I asked my dad he said oncology was a fancy name for cancer and because I had cancer I would be admitted to the oncology children's section of the hospital. Ohh I said leaning back in my wheelchair, I looked around and saw a lot people old people, young people, families, couples, it was said to think they all had a loved one in the hospital. Granted the most of thought the same thing about mine a little girl in a wheelchair with the family following close behind, I guess everyone here was in the same boat. Soon we arrived to a hospital room, I was asked to get changed into a hospital gown because the couldn't do the surgery with m regular clothes on. I went into the bathroom and changed luckily they had regular hospital gowns in children's sizes not those stupid ones with like animals on them, once I had changed my mom tied up the back of it and I sat down in the hospital bed. Dad had packed his backpack with things to keep me and Gavin occupied along with some medical information they needed to give doctors for example I asthmatic and maybe doctors need to know that or something or if I was allergic to any medicines but I don't think I am. Dad pulled out the family I pad and  let me play on it for a while he and mom talked to the doctors and nurses about my surgery. Me and Gavin played Mine-craft until the nurses and doctors actually needed me. I could tell it was getting close to my surgery because the nurse put an IV in my arm, it hurt a little but not too much. Also the guy who was responsible for putting me to sleep came in with different flavor gas masks and told me to pick a flavor, I picked watermelon because it was m favorite. Upon hearing that there was something watermelon flavored my dad of course had to smell it too because lets face it the mans addicted to watermelon. Right before the doctors came back to bring me to the operating room we said a quick pray, we prayed for my safety during surgery and that I would recover from this cancer soon. Once we finished praying the doctors came in to bring me down to the operating room, I got out of bed and hugged my parents and Gavin before sitting down in the wheelchair. One of my parents were allowed to walk with me down to the surgery doors, I didn't know who to pick I mean I loved them both so much but I settled on mom realizing that she would make more comfortable compared to my dad. My dad wasn't offended he said if he had to pick he'd pick my mom too. So with that we ventured down to the ground floor also known as the surgery center. My mom hugged and kissed me one last time before I was wheeled into the operating room, once I was in there I was placed onto what they called an operating table. Even though it was covered I was still cold, I guess its always cold in here because once they finished putting on some heart monitor stickers and oxygen monitor a nurse covered me in a warm blanket. The nurses and doctors continued to set up around, I saw looked to my left and saw try of needles and stuff. Upon seeing that I immediately turned away, that's when the guy who was in charge of making me go to sleep and stay asleep put the mask over my face and asked me to count backward from ten. So I did I only got to about seven or eight before I feel asleep, while I was asleep I dreamed that I was doing gymnastics with Emmi and Dad on the trampoline and were having such a good time, I was in the middle of doing a back flip when I woke up in my dads arms. I was still kind of groggy from the surgery, once I got my bearings my parents told me that my surgery was a success and I would be released later today. My dad asked me if I wanted to lay down in my bed, I told him I didn't because I liked him holding me it made me feel safer. That's when I realized I had this weird pain in my chest, I told my parents hoping nothing was wrong. My dad explained to me that my port went into my chest area, which is why my chest hurt. I made and O shape with my mouth and snuggled back into his chest, about an hour later Uncle Casey and Aunt Kayli came with Emmi, Brock and Daxton. I was still hooked up to a variety of machines and tired from the surgery, Brock came over to me and asked if I was okay. I guess he knew a little but about what was wrong with me so I told him I was, he said good before he asked mom if he pick him so he could hug me. My mom picked him and he hugged me and kissed me on my forehead like he'd seen my parents do a thousand times. Emmi also came and hugged and was glad to hear that I was feeling okay, I told her I was glad that she wasn't still mad at me from this morning. Apparently last night after I feel asleep Emmi and Brock just went to bed with out mom and dad explaining anything to them so when she woke up this morning to see my drinking ginger ale she was confused, so when my mom pulled her aside she explained everything to her and we left before she could apologize. As my family and I talked nurses came in and out disconnecting me from my machines, my parents signed some papers and then were allowed to go. Once again a nurse came back with a wheelchair so that I could leave, this time my dad wheeled me out making it more fun then journey here because well my dad makes everything fun. We conversed with the family and decided to head to Olive Garden for dinner to celebrate a successful surgery. Emmi went with Braille and Gage, but I went with my parents because I had just had surgery a few hours ago and felt more comfortable being with them. When we arrived at the Olive Garden my dad put his name down on the list so we waited outside for a table was to big to wait inside, ohh did I mention that Aunt Carlie, Copper, and my grandparents meet us there. Even though my surgery was a few hours ago I was still a little tired, which the doctor said was normal so my dad was holding me as vlogged and showed what everyone was doing. While we were waiting for dinner and my dad was carrying me I took a little nap, which felt so good. My dad woke me up when our name was called he even carried me to my seat even though I told him I could walk there, he said he knew but he just wanted too. Dinner was really good I got fettuccine with Alfredo sauce and a coke to drink, after dinner my parents must of told the wait staff about my surgery and us celebrating because they brought me my own brownie sundae and I didn't even have to share it anybody according to mom and dad. I knew I didn't have to share but I thought Gavin deserved some too after spending the entire day in the hospital with me even though he didn't have too. After dinner we went to go and see Earth to Echo, I barely made it through the opening credits before I feel asleep. Those reclining movie seats are a gift from God, I slept through the entire movie and woke up when my dad was carrying me out to the car. I pretended to stay asleep because I liked being carried, my dad mom and siblings said could bye to my cousins. Emmi and Braille tried to have a sleepover dad said that tonight wasn't a good night because of my surgery and all, this made Emmi and Braille mad because when Braille was walking to the car she must have known I was wake some how and said thanks for ruining the night. I was shocked Braille had never been mean or even  mad at me before and I thought in this situation she would at least understand. I mean it's not like it was my fault I was sick, it'snot my fault, I had to get surgery, it's not my fault I have cancer, it's notmy fault I could die any day, it's not my fault she didn't understand. My dad put me in the passenger seat of the car and I guess my mom sat in the back with my siblings I pretended to wake up when he put me and the seat and protested that mom sit in the front with dad, but mom quieted me and said we put you in the front so we could recline you back so that way you can rest. In the back with all the car seats and stuff you can't recline the seats, so that's why your up front. With that I reclined myself and fell back asleep, I woke up when my dad was walking downstairs to bring me to my bedroom. He must of sensed I woke up because he asked me if everything was okay, I told him it was and that I was confused for a minute. After I put my pajamas on and brushed me teeth my dad came back downstairs to say goodnight to Gavin and I, he went to Gavin first because I was finishing everything up. Once I was back in my room he came in and kissed me on the forehead and told me how brave I was and lucky he was to have a daughter liked me. He went to hug me but I beat him to we stayed like that for a minute before he hugged me and kissed me again and told me to go sleep. Then my mom came downstairs she once again went to Gavin first before coming to me. When she came into my room she came and laid with me on my bed for a few minutes she stroked my hair and told me she loved me so much and was so proud of me. She was still there laying with me when I feel asleep. 

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