Wrestling, Cheer and Chemo

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Avia's POV: 

Tomorrow Gavin had wrestling, Emmi had cheer and I had chemo. Mom and dad were currently trying to figure out who was going to take me to the hospital and who was going to stay and shuttle Emmi and Gavin around to their performances/matches. I felt bad for my siblings because my parents had missed so much of their lives because they were constantly checking on me and bringing to the hospital and other appointments. I was sitting on the couch watching TV listening to mom and dad try to figure out who would do what when an idea hit me. Why don't I just have Aunt Carlie take me? I mean she doesn't have child that's doing cheer or wrestling and that means my parents will be able to see my siblings in their respective activities. I got up off the couch hitting the buttons on the side of the metal wrist braces that caused the legs of crutches to come out. I started speeding walking toward the basement where my parents where and almost tripped and fell square on my face. Note to self don't try and speed walk with crutches. I reached the stairs and slowly maneuvered my way down them trying not to fall as I did so. 

"Mom! Dad! I have way that you guys get to see Emmi's cheer performance and Gavin wrestle and I get to chemo." I said coming off the last step and hobbled toward them. 

"How so?" my dad asked picking me up and sitting me down next to him and mom who were playing with Brock and Daxton. 

"Why don't you just have Aunt Carlie take me? It's not like Cooper wrestles or cheers" I asked

"I mean chemo is a lot to handle sweetie she needs to know what's going on and how to take care of you. She also needs to understand what the doctors are saying" mom responded. 

"Then why don't you invite her over tonight and explain to her what goes on. I'm sure she'll understand. I mean you and dad do and you're not medical professionals." I said

"You know babe it's not a bad idea." dad said 

"And you'd be okay with not having your dad and I be there with you?" Mom asked picking Daxton up and putting him in her lap

"I'm sick of you guys always having to miss everybody's things because of me. I mean it's Gavin's first match of the season and Emmi finally knows her cheers and dances. What a better time? Plus I've been doing this for months now I can handle myself." I said confidently 

"Alright I'll go give Carlie a call and ask her if it's okay." Mom said getting up and going upstairs. 

Colette's POV: 

I walked upstairs trying to find the house phone so that way I can call Carlie. I was just about to call Carlie when Emmi and Gavin came running in from Casey and Kayli's. Avia hadn't gone because her and Braille were still in a weird state. Gavin went down to his room while Emmi stayed up by me as if she had to ask me something. Low and behold she did. 

"So have you figured out if you can come to my cheer performance or not" she asked her eyes hopeful. 

"Yes we actually have" I said "Carlie is going to take Avia up to Salt Lake City for her chemo tomorrow so that way me and your dad can see you and Gavin." 

"Really?!" she asked her eyes wide and her smile big 

"Really" I said laughing "Now go downstairs and thank your sister because she's doing a very nice thing and she didn't have to"

"Okay" Emmi said running down the stairs to where Avia was. 

I grabbed the phone off the counter and dialed Carlie's number 

Phone conversation: 

CO: Colette CA: Carlie

CO: Hey 

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