Telling the Kids and Port Surgery

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Colette's POV:

Shay called me in the middle of the night with news I never wanted to hear. Our baby had cancer. Our world was just flipped upside down and I really didn't know what to make of it. I knew that she was having surgery today and was starting treatment tomorrow. We were getting thrown into this world and we were going to have to learn to live in it whether we liked it or not. I woke the kids up as soon as Shay called with the news, I didn't care it was the middle of the night. There was no way I would be able to keep it together to morning and plus it would be easier to get out the door more efficiently to get up to Salt Lake before Avia's surgery. I was pulling the kids from school the next few days because I wanted us to spend time together as a family before things got bad. As of how the kids took it Gavin and Emmi were crushed and Brock was just flat out confused, I ended up just telling him that Avia was really sick which made him feel bad. Brock and Avia had very close bond, Avia would look out for Brock and Brock would look out for Avia. I mean all the kids were really close, but there was something special about her's and Brock's.

I didn't get much sleep, maybe only an hour or so before I woke up and started getting ready for the hospital. I wonder how Shay and Avia slept, probably not much better than I had. When I walked into the kitchen I was meet by Gavin who was sitting at the breakfast bar reading a book, his face was red and tear stained as if he had been crying.

"Hey Gav, are you okay?" I asked walking into the kitchen and starting to make breakfast

"It's not fair!" he said hanging his head low "she doesn't deserve to be sick, she deserves better than this." he said starting to cry

"I know Gav, I know. But right now all we can do is be there for her and help her fight this. She is strong, she can survive." I said going over and hugging him.

"I know, thanks Mom." he said wiping his tears and smiling at me.

I made us all some pancakes for breakfast to try and lighten the somber mood that had seem to falled over the house since we got the news, it helped a little but not a lot. The kids were still visibly shaken up the news, I was even more worried about how they were going to take the constant trips to the hospital, sometimes only having one of us home for long periods of time and Avia being the center of attention because we need to keep a close eye on her. I knew that worrying about all this would get me nowhere and that we'd have to take it day by day because the worrying would drive us all crazy.

After breakfast I loaded the kids in the car and it was off to the hospital. I talked to the kids, trying to keep their mind off the hospital. But they couldn't it was inevitable. How could you not think of going to see your little sister in the hospital. I mean I was petrified to go see her, but I had to put on a brave face for the kids. A long hour and a half later we finally reached Salt Lake City children's hospital, I helped Brock and Daxton out of the car and then we headed inside.

"Okay guys I need you to be on your best behavior because we're in a hospital. Can you guys do that for me?" I asked walking toward the elevator, Shay told me that they hadn't moved her from yesterday. I told Brock to hit the elevator button as I anxiously waited to greet my husband and daughter, we walked down the long, never ending hallways until we finally reached her room. I took a deep breath before we entered. That's when I saw my baby hooken up to a variety of machines, Shay was sitting in a chair closest to her bed holding her hand.

"Hi baby." I said walking over to Avia and giving her a kiss on the forehead and hugging her.

"Hi Mommy!" she said rubbing her eyes and sitting up

"How do you feel?" I asked taking a seat next to Shay as the rest of the kids gathered round

"Okay. I'm a little nervous for my surgery, but other than that I'm doing alright." she said

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