6 Month Scans

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Colette's POV: 

Today Avia had her scans to see how much cancer we had eradicated over the past six months and if we needed to make any adjustments going forward. It was a few weeks before Christmas and I was hoping that the scans were good and that we would be avoiding the hospital. I went downstairs to wake Avia up and let her know we were leaving soon, we let her sleep in because she wasn't allowed to eat breakfast and we didn't feel the need to have her awake and be hungry for longer.

"Avia sweetie, time to wake up. You have your scans today" I said shaking her lightly.

"Do I have too" she said rolling over and groaning.

"Sorry sweetie but yeah." I said rubbing her shoulder

"Is Gavin coming with us?" she asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know you'll have to ask him, which requires getting out of bed" I said leaving the room. I stood by the stairs and listened to see if Avia had gotten out of bed. It was silent for a few minutes but then I heard a groan and her start to go through her closest to try to find something to wear. I walked up stairs to find Gavin and ask if he was coming with us today.

"Hey Gav, are you coming with us to the hospital today?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Of course I'm going I have to be there for her. I always go when I can and today's no different he said finishing his breakfast. I hugged him and thanked him and continued to get ready. When I was getting ready I hear Avia coming upstairs on her crutches and her start talking to Gavin.

"Gav, you're coming with me to the hospital? Right?" she asked worryingly.

"Of course Avia I'm always there to support you" he responded

"Good, I don't like not having you there." She said back to him.

"Why?" Gavin asked, that's a good question. Nobody actually knows why Avia always wants Gavin with her.

"Because when your with me I feel more safe and like I can do anything" She said shrugging. Avia and Gavin had always been close, but their relationship had definitely been strengthened by Avia's cancer diagnosis. As the morning went on I continued getting ready for the hospital and checked to make sure we had everything we needed and also that Kayli was still coming to watch Emmi and Brock. I don't know why, but I always overthink when have to go to the hospital. I think it's because I'm worried and my brain does this to district itself. At noon Shay, Avia, Gavin, Daxton and I loaded up into the SUV and headed off to Salt Lake City Pediatric Hospital. Avia had scans at 4 and it took two hours together and we needed to be there an hour and a half to two hours before so we would definitely have time. On the way up we vlogged and sang, trying to keep our minds off the scans. You could tell though that something was on all of our minds by the way we were exchanging nervous glances constantly, especially me and Shay. When we got to the hospital I helped Avia out of the car, she was still recovering from the fight with Braille and we headed inside. We got checked in and followed the nurse up to a room. It looked exactly like the ones we had spent the last six months in, the only difference was the scans were usually more stressful than chemotherapy and radiation treatments because there is usually a lot on the line. She got changed into a hospital gown and began the process of getting ready for the scans. Which consisted of talking to anesthesiologists, having nurses check her vitals, the whole shebang. At around ten to four the nurses came back to get Avia and bring her down to the scan rooms, Shay, Gavin and I followed the nurse's down to the rooms to say goodbye to her before the brought her back. We each gave her a hug and a kiss before heading to the waiting room, where would follow the namesake and wait. We waited for about 2 hours and then the doctor called for us saying that Avia was back in her hospital room and that we could see her now. The three of rushed into her room hoping to get there before she woke up, luckily when we got there she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful sleeping, well minus the oxygen and heart monitors that she had attached to her and the IVs and the oxygen mask over her face. Okay maybe not so peaceful. Scan days were unfortunately filled with a lot of waiting, waiting for child to wake up, waiting for results to come back, waiting to go home and waiting is always the worst because all the fear and anticipation builds inside of you. The three of us talked waiting for Avia to wake up, it's discouraging to just sit there and watch her small chest rise and fall. This one was one of the shorter wait times, because it only took about 15 minutes for Avia's sedation to wear off. I guess they put her on a lighter dose or something.

"Mommy, Daddy?" she said hers fluttering open and darting around the room

"Yes, what is it?" Shay said launching up from his seat, the twitter app still open. He hugged her and kissed her forehead, grabbing her hand and holding it in his.

"Did we get the results back yet?" She asked tiredly

"No, not yet sweetie. How do you feel?" I asked getting up and kissing her on the head.

"Tired" she replied back rubbing her eyes

"You can rest we're gonna be here for a while" I said taking a seat next to Shay. She nodded her head and laid back down falling back asleep. Afternoon turned into evening and evening turned into night and we still hadn't hear back from the doctors. Avia was awake now and her Gavin we're watching Frosty the Snowman on TV. Nurses kept coming in and checking on Avia, but none of them had any information on her results. Finally around 11:30 after Avia and Gavin had fallen asleep John came back with the results from the scans.

"So we got the scans back" he said opening a manilla envelope and placing them a backlight board. "The one on the left was from when she was first diagnosed and the one on the right was one of the ones we took today" he continued. "Clearly since July the amount of Avia's cancer cells in her body, but not as much as we'd hoped. Once the holiday season i over we are going to start Avia on a more intense chemotherapy drug so that way we can eradicate more cells. Now I don't want you to be alarmed by this because the cancer cells are dying we just want to get it out of her system as quickly as possible so that way she can return to a normal life style. That's all for the night, here's the discharge papers. You're free to go home now, sorry it took so long. Just a busy night for some reason he said sighing and leaving. As soon as John left I felt tears begin to roll down my face, wasn't Avia's current dose of chemo strong enough. Why wasn't this does working well enough? Does this mean we're going to lose her I thought? I wiped my tears and pushed all of my negative thoughts to the back of my head knowing I had to stay strong for Avia. I woke up Gavin up while Shay grabbed a sleeping Avia out of her hospital bed. When Shay put Avia in the car and buckled her she woke up.

"Did we get the results back" she yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Yea we did" I said softly.

"Well what did they say?" she asked more awake

"They said that a lot of cancer cells have died since July but not enough, and they're going to put you on a higher dose of chemotherapy to kill more of the cells. I'm sorry" I said wrapping her in a hug. She put her head in her hands and started crying, I got in the back next to her and let her lay in my lap while I rubbed her back trying to calm her down so that way she could get some sleep. Ohh I wanted to break down in that car ride home but I couldn't. That night after we got home and put Avia and Gavin to bed I locked myself in the bathroom and had a good long cry, I did not want to subject my baby girl to this torture anymore. I can only imagine what she's thinking. 

AN: Thank you for all the nice comments about the book. I mean it really isn't as good as you all make it out to be, it's just a bunch of ideas in my head thrown together to try to make what seems like a story line. If you liked the chapter please like and comment. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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