1st Day of School

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Avia's POV:

Today was my first day of school and I was a little nervous to see how people would react to having a sick kid in their class. I woke up at 6:30 and began to get ready for school, I got dressed threw one of my hats and went upstairs for breakfast. Mom was making the customary first day of school breakfast which was eggs and sausage, a personal favorite of mine. Me and Gavin were the first ones done because neither of us took long to get ready, boys never take long and me not having any hair cut about 20 minutes off my getting ready time. About 5 to 10 minutes later Emmi emerged from her and Brocks room, dressed with her hair cutely styled. As much as sometimes I was grateful to not have to deal with any hair this was one of the times I wished I still had it. My mind was racing over thoughts about what was going to happen today when I heard my dad walk in singing the first day of school song he and mom sang every year. One of the perks about having such a crazy family is that they easily distract you which can be could when your worrying so much, dad filmed all the kids talking about it we were excited or nervous and what not. I told him I was excited and nervous, I loved schooled and learning but I was also afraid if the other kids were going to make fun of me because I was bald or not. Whatever happened I hoped the teacher wouldn't make me take my hat off. Around 20 minutes later my entire family got in the car and headed off to school to drop me, Gavin and Emmi off. Mom and dad always took us to our classes on the first day of school so they came in with us, we started off with Emmi because she was the youngest. Emmi, Copper and Gage where all in the same class together and I was in class with Braille. This wasn't exactly the best because the two of us hadn't been exactly getting along lately she thought I was spoiled and was faking my cancer, I don't know what planet she lives on but I don't know anybody who would want to too fake cancer. We then started to walk down the hall to my classroom, my stopped at my classroom for a minute took some pictures and then left to go bring Gavin to his classroom, and I went and found my seat at a table in the back of the room. I put my stuff on a coat hook and began putting my stuff in my desk, about five minutes later the bell rang and class began. My teacher walked in and immediately made eye contact with me, my parents had told the school about my cancer and how I might have challenges and what not and would sometimes have to have special accommodations and presuming I had a note from my parent they couldn't get mad at me for not having homework done. Avia Butler she said please take your hat off there are no hats allowed in school, well crap I thought this is not going to end well. I would really prefer not can you please make an exception for me, I will not make any exceptions for any students. I was beginning to get nervous I didn't want to show my bald head to the entire class because I didn't want to get made fun of. Please don't make me take it off I said, my eyes were watering. Great it's the first day of school the whole class is watching a show down between my teacher and me and now I'm on the verge of tears. Avia Butler go to the Principles Office Now, I gulped I had never gotten in trouble before, there was an ohh from the class as I left the room. I walked down to the Principles Office and took my seat in the waiting room, we're expecting you the receptionist lady said. I nodded and got up and walked into the Principles office, hello I said shyly closing the door. Now I heard that you are not listening to your teacher is this true, yes yes it is I said. How did this issue arise, she asked me to take off my hat and I don't feel comfortable taking off my hat. It is school policy so I must say I agree with your teacher on this one, great just great I thought this is worst day of school ever. Look sir I said I am really not comfortable taking my hat off in class for personal reasons, now you're not listening to me I'm going to call your parents he said. I slumped down in the chair and sighed I wasn't sure if him calling my parents was a good thing or a bad thing, well I was about to find out. He told me parents would be here shortly I was praying to God that somehow this turn out fine in the end. My mom and dad arrived and they gave me a look that said were disappointed in you, they sat down in chairs on either side of me and began talking with my principle. He explained that I hadn't listened to him or my teacher to take my hat off when it was school policy, my parents lucky ended up siding with me saying that I had cancer and that I was bald hence the reason why I didn't want to take my hat off. He tried to defend himself by saying they can't make exceptions for any child, but my dad went back at him and said we called the school to warn you guys about her. You knew in advanced I am pretty sure I even spoke to you about it, the principle realized he got caught and was trying to say he didn't remember the phone call. My mom said look now you know her story and why she won't take the hat off so please can you make an exception for her because I will not make my child feel uncomfortable over something so stupid like this. He said miss I'm sorry but I can't make any exceptions for any children no matter their need unless it's something academic and this is not, now take your hat off and go back to class you've wasted enough of my time this morning. I could tell my parents had had it with this dude saying that a child with cancer is a waste of time to the parents of that child is a sure fire way to piss them off, which they were. My dad said my daughter is not a waste of time if anything your wasting your own time because your arguing with us over the fact that you won't let my sick daughter wear her hat in class because her being bald makes her uncomfortable, I don't know but I was on the verge of tears at this point I guess it was because I was upset that I started the fight. He once again said I'm sorry but I can only make academic exceptions, and told me to go back to class. My parents told me that they were taking me home and were going to take to the superintendent about this. My parents signed me out and told me to go back to my class and get my stuff, I did not want to go back and face her again even if I was leaving. When I went back to my class I saw that it was empty I guess they had went outside for recess I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran back to my parents. I hugged them both and began to cry, I was humiliated and upset and annoyed at my stupid cancer. My dad picked me up and told me everything was going to be okay and that he and mom would fix it, mom carried my backpack as my dad carried me out to the car. I apologized to them on the way home, my mom said it wasn't my fault and they had not right to do that to me, she said hopefully the superintendent will be nicer than your principle. I laughed and said I hope your right, when we got home my mom started to make lunch and my dad was finishing editing the vlogs. I walked inside and sat on the couch and started watching TV when I heard my talking about my day and what had happened at school, my guess was that he was doing one of those I film while I wait for the vlog to upload type things. About 20 minutes later mom called me and Brock for lunch because we were the only ones home, she had made my favorite spaghetti because of the crappy day I had been having so far. While I was eating lunch I heard her call the superintendent, I continued to talk and eat with Brock and hoped that all was going well. A few minutes later she got off the phone and walked in smiling, she told me that the superintendent had cleared me to wear a hat during school and would talk to the principle and the teacher about what happened today. He also emailed us a letter that I would bring to school to show that I was in fact allowed to wear hat. Once I finished lunch I took my pills and went outside and played with Brock, we were playing on the trampoline when I saw Aunt Kayli walking down the path to our house. She stopped to ask me what I was doing home I told her that there was a problem at school which caused my parents to pull me for the day, she said ohh and walked inside for playdate that Winston had with Daxton. I walked inside a few minutes later to go and get a drink when I overheard my mom and Aunt Kayli talking I knew it was about me so I decided to stop and listen. My mom had explained that I had been called out for wearing a hat in school and how I ended up in the principles and how they ended up getting into a fight with the principle over me not wanting to take my hat off. She said that everything was okay now that the district had cleared me to be able to wear it. I was surprised by Aunt Kayli's response she said maybe your being a little over protective of Avia this time, my mom said well what do you mean? She said she understood where the school was coming from that it was school policy and that I was like every other kid at the school, my mom stopped her and said Avia is the same but different when you have a sick child sometimes your child needs to have exceptions made for them. Kayli said back I mean your babying her what is wrong with her taking off her hat like all the other kids, it because she's bald my mom said snapping back she'll stand out either way but to her she's more comfortable wearing hat I mean she's afraid of being made fun that's the whole reason she wears it. Braille is right you do baby Avia, my mom was boiling at this point is launched into this tangent saying that she treated all of us the same and that I sometimes got extra attention when I needed it like on chemo or radiation days when I didn't feel good. The two of them continued to argue more before Aunt Kayli snapped and picked Winston up that's when I lost I had caused my mom and her sister in law to have this huge fight all because I couldn't take off my stupid hat, I ran downstairs crying and I heard my mom say you see what you did. I got into my room and closed my door and laid on my bed and cried. Avia my mom said walking in and closing my door, how much did you hear, all of it I said crying more, I'm such a screw up I said still crying mom hugged me and said you're not a screw up. Aunt Kayli was in the wrong about what she said and I hope she knows that, I continued to cry into my mom's chest, I was having what you call a horrific day. I guess my medication and all the crying made me tired because I ended up falling asleep for until around 5 when Gavin walked in and asked me what happened. I explained to him my whole day and he was just as pissed off as mom and dad were we hugged it out before he told me dinner was ready. The rest of the night was uneventful, we had family home evening prayed and went to bed. I hoped tomorrow would be a better day then today.

AN: Thank you Guys so much for 600 reads I'm not sure who the hell is even reading this story. But to whoever does thank you so so much I never expected to get this many reads. 

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