Lucky Shot

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AN: Alright guys so I had an idea that other day to rewrite some of the early chapters of my book to make them better. Now I'm leaving the originals as they stand to see how far I've come since I've first started writing. But every once in a while I will have alternate versions of chapters in this book posted. Alright this is the first chapter rewritten and I call it Lucky Shot. 

Chapter 1- A Lucky Shot:

Shay's POV:

You know those mornings when you wake up and you just sense that it is going to be a bad day, well I woke up with that feeling this morning. I hoped that it was wrong and that today would be just a completely normal day, but I was so wrong. It was a Saturday and I could hear Colette up making breakfast and the kids starting to get up and go about their days. Okay all seems well, I thought to myself getting out of bed.

I got out of bed, showered, got dressed and went to go eat breakfast and then start tending to the animals on the property. When I walked out of my room I saw Brock, Emmi and Gavin eating at the counter, Daxton was eating at the little table and Avia was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Avia?" I asked kissing Colette on the cheek

"Still sleeping, I guess. Why don't you go check on her ."

I went down into the basement and walked into her room, I saw that she was still asleep, it was ten so I decided to wake her up.

"Come on Avia wake up, it's past ten." I said lightly shaking her

"I don't feel good daddy." she moaned turning toward me

I put my hand to her forehead, she had a fever and she looked rather pale. Avia hadn't been feeling well on and off for the past few weeks, we assumed something was going around.

"Well you have a fever. Why don't you come upstairs and join us okay, you can lay down on the couch and watch TV." I suggested

She nodded her head okay in response, I picked her up and carried her upstairs.

"Somebody's sick." I said walking back into the kitchen

"Aww again Avia. How do you feel baby?" Colette asked coming over to check her out

"Kind of crappy." Avia said tiredly

"Come on let's go get you all set up on the couch and I'll bring you some breakfast."

I laid her down on the couch and gave her a blanket, while Colette started making some toast for Avia to eat.

Later I was in my office editing the vlog, when I heard a cry come from the basement. I ran downstairs and saw Avia sitting on the ground clutching her nose and Gavin running into the bathroom.

"What happened?" I asked running and tending to Avia

"I was playing soccer and I didn't see Avia come down and I kicked it high and it hit her in the face!" Gavin said handing me a towel for Avia's nose.

"It hurts Daddy!" she whined

"Okay, okay. Let me see baby." I said pulling the towel from her nose. It looked slightly crooked and was gushing blood. "Alright I think we better go to the hospital."

I picked her up and brought her upstairs.

"What happened?" Colette asked rushing toward us

"Gavin hit her with a soccer ball, it was an accident though. He didn't think anyone was down there, he wouldn't have kicked it if he knew she was down there. Her nose looks kinda out of place so I'm gonna take her to the hospital to get it checked out because the doctor's office is closed." I explained rushing out the door.

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