Your Fault! My Fault?

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Braille's POV: 

Everyone is still mad at me for what I did to Avia months ago. I don't know why they can't just forget and move on, I mean there are more important things in the world. Like who's gonna win Dancing With the Stars. I'm personally rooting for Derek and Bindi, they are literally goals. Today we were hanging out with my dad's family before going out dinner and seeing a movie. And I had the perfect plan to get everyone to hate Avia, the way their mad at me. My plan was to pretend that she hurt me and then she'd get in trouble. I'd say something like she tripped me with a crutch and I hurt my ankle or something. I mean my plan is foolproof. Later in the afternoon we walked down to Shay and Colette's, when we got there I saw Avia hobbling around on her crutches playing with Daxton. Good this mean that she was feeling good and it would make sense if she were to hurt me. Because if she had had chemo or something and wasn't feeling good then my plan would make zero sense and seem unbelievable. We sat in the living room talking for a while before I suggested that we go outside and play on the swings, knowing that Avia couldn't really do anything else. They all agreed so we headed outside to the giant swingset Shay and Colette had in there backyard. Emmi, Avia and I were all swinging on the swings and Gavin, Cooper and Gage were playing football. We played until the adults called us inside telling us that we were leaving soon. This my chance to make my move. I kept a pace with Avia making sure I was close enough so that when I feel it would be believable that I feel and was tripped by her. Right before we got to the house I flung myself onto the ground and clutched my ankle. 

"OWWW!!!" I yelled clutching my ankle rolling in pain a little bit. "Avia tripped me" I said beginning to fake cry. Over the past week I'd tried to master that skill. It luckily wasn't very difficult, all you gotta do is think of dead puppies then. BAM! Waterworks.

"I'll go get an your parents" Gavin said shooting Avia a dirty look. 

"How could you Avia" Emmi said running toward me to make sure I was okay

"This is all your fault!" I said 

"My fault! You seriously think this is my fault" She said in shock

"Seriously, you seriously think I tripped her. Do you know how much effort that would take me. I would also almost fall doing so" she said, causing Emmi to roll her eyes back. 

"Sweetie are you okay!" My mom said rushing out of the house. 

"No my ankle hurts" I said starting to fake cry again. 

"What happened?" My dad asked

"Avia tripped me" I said 

"How could you Avia" my dad said looking at her

"I didn't. It's not exactly easy for me trip her I'm on crutches" she said 

"You tripped me with your crutch. Your left one" I said as my dad picked me up

"Avia get inside were going to Kayli and Casey to the doctors to see what damage you did to Braille" Shay yelled motioning for Avia to go inside. 

"Dad you have to believe me I didn't to it. She's probably looking for attention or trying to get back it me for November" she said her lip quivering 

"Avia Colette Butler. Inside now" Shay said his voice stern. 

My dad carried me inside and placed me on the couch and Colette meet us with an ice pack while my mom called the doctors to see what we should do. 

"It hurts" I said groaning 

"I know baby." My dad said "but we'll get you all fixed up soon" 

"Her doctor said that we should just take her to the hospital to have her XRayed because he probably won't be able to say what's wrong with her without one" my mom said sighing. 

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