My Daughter

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Colette's POV:

This morning started out as any other. I woke up started making breakfast, the kids woke up ate breakfast and began getting ready for the day. Although I did have this feeling of dread or that something was going to go wrong in my stomach. I shook it off assuming I was either paranoid or worried about cooking Thanksgiving for the entire family. The kids were finishing up eating breakfast and Shay woke up and got dressed to take the kids down to the bus stop, I hugged them all and gave them a kiss goodbye before sending them out the door with Shay to meet up with Braille and Gage. I stood at the kitchen counter and looked out the window and watched them all happily walk down the path, the feeling of dread in my stomach subsided and went on trying to start preparing things for tomorrow. At around 12:45 in the afternoon the phone rang, it was the school. Assuming it was nothing important I asked Shay to grab and just tell me whatever they said assuming it would be something like have nice break or something about a food drive you know nothing about the kids. Shay was on the phone for a few minutes, now I was assuming that maybe we needed to pick up Avia because a kid in her class got sick midday. Which meant that she had to go home know to avoid compromising her immune system. When Shay got off the phone he had tears in his eyes and he told me we needed to get to the school right away. "What, why?" I asked every worst case scenario racing through my mind. "Its Avia", he said sighing "she was beat up at school pretty bad and they called an ambulance to take her to the hospital, we obviously need to be there to ride with her and we also need to take the principal saying we won't file any lawsuits or something". I quickly dialed Kayli's number and asked if she could babysit Brock and Daxton while we went to the hospital, I then grabbed the Shaycarl backpack that Shay and I had designated for hospital stuff. Extra clothes, toys, paperwork, medical history, anything you could potential needed at the hospital was in that bag. Shay and I quickly jumped in the car and headed off to the school to go check on Avia, apparently when she was brought to the nurse she was unconscious and we were fearing the worst. We swerved into a parking spot at the front of the school and ran inside to the nurse's office, well after we were buzzed in of course. "Oh my God" I said when I walked in and saw Avia, she was all bloody and bruised, you could see a black eye starting to form, her ankle was swelling, her arm was draped over her chest and there was an ice pack on her head. I ran up and crouched down next to her to see if she was awake, seeing that she wasn't I wiped tears from eyes and asked what happened. Gavin told the story of how Emmi came to him saying that Braille was beating Avia up and he stopped her and carried Avia inside. I began talking to the nurse about when the ambulance would be here and if they could do anything else now that Shay and I were here, that's when Avia's small frail voice choked out that her chest hurt. Shay and I looked at her and then at each other, we were both thinking the same thing. Her port. We then looked at Emmi who had apparently seen some of the fight, "Emmi" I said crouching down in front of the chair she was sitting in "do you know if Avia got kicked or punched in the chest by her port. Be honest mommy and daddy need to know because if you lie and say she didn't something really bad could happen to Avia". She thought for moment before nodding her and placing her thumb back in her mouth and began sucking on it. Just as we had figured that out the paramedics came bursting through the door and asking all these questions to the nurse and us, we answered them to the best of our abilities considering the fact that we weren't present when the fight happened. They put Avia on a gurney and me and Gavin followed getting in the back of the ambulance, Shay was staying at the school with Emmi to talk to the principal about what happened. In the ambulance on the way over the hooked Avia up to an oxygen tank and stabilized her arm and ankle so that way she wouldn't hurt it any more. They were also giving her some pain medication through an IV in arm because they weren't sure how bad her port was damaged, which meant that they couldn't use it to administer medication. I held Avia's hand in mine and was silently crying looking at my daughter, who's eyes were filled with fear and pain. Gavin who was sitting next to me was no better. About halfway to the hospital I began full on sobbing because I just couldn't hold it in any more, I was forgot I was still holding Avia's hand until she gave it a squeeze to let me know that she was okay. When we got to the hospital they whisked Avia back to a room to have her checked out leaving me and Gavin alone in the waiting room, alone. About a half hour later Avia's doctor came back to let us know that she was going into Surgery to repair her port that had been badly damaged when it was kicked, I had to sign a few papers saying that it was okay and we were aware of the risks that came with the surgery and stuff like that. I signed quickly hoping that we would be able to see Avia soon. An hour and a half later Shay and Emmi arrived at the hospital, both were visibly upset but Emmi seemed to be worse then Shay. I updated Shay and Emmi on what the doctors had told me about what was happening to Avia and what the doctors were doing to help her. Emmi got upset and crawled into my lap and began crying, I hugged her and told her that it wasn't her fault considering she didn't do anything to hurt Avia. By this point we were all crying, having a child in the hospital is always hard on the family. We decided to pray because we knew it would help Avia or at least we hoped it would. Once we finished praying we sat there in silence because nobody had anything to say and all, all of us wanted to do was see Avia. Around an hour later Doctor John came back letting us know that Avia was out of surgery and in a recovery room sleeping, we got up quickly following John back to the room anxious to see Avia. When we got back to the room I gasped, I was so shocked of the condition she was in. There was a black eye forming around one of her eyes, her right arm was in cast and her left ankle was bandaged and being propped up by some blankets. She also had two tubes of oxygen going in her nose, along with a series of medication lines going from her bandaged chest and port to an IV pole by her bed and a constantly stream of blood being administered to her through an IV in arm. I sat down in a chair next to her bed and began crying again, I couldn't stand seeing my baby girl all banged up like this. Gavin sat down next to me saying that this was all his fault because he had promised that he would always protect her and he didn't. I wrapped him in a hug and told him that it wasn't and that there was nothing that he could have done to prevent it. Emmi who had been standing behind Shay, afraid to see her sister quietly asked if she could sit next to Avia in her bed. I allowed it knowing how upset Emmi had been by the whole thing and was probably somewhat traumatized by it and I was hoping this would make her feel better. She climbed up next to Avia and grabbed her hand in her's quietly whispering something before she began crying again. After a painstaking hour Avia finally woke up, she looked around for Shay and I calling out for us at the same time. "It's okay Avia dad and I right here" I said getting up and giver her a hug before sitting back down in my chair, Shay did the same. We explained to her what had happened and what was going on and that she was going to be okay. After we explained to her what was going on Shay and I turned our attention to Casey who had stopped by with Braille on his way home from the school to see how Avia was doing. He was asking us if there was anything there was anything he could do or help us with because he felt so bad about Braille hurting Avia, we told him it was fine and we would work out whatever was going on between the girls. We were in the midst of talking about Thanksgiving when we heard an altercation beginning between Avia and Braille. It was about Avia's cancer and how Braille didn't understand what Avia was going through, the two went at each other for a few minutes before Braille's final words, which were "you're better off dead". This crushed Avia because she had endured so much these past few months and was doing everything she could not to die. Avia screamed at her to get out before Emmi wrapped her in a hug and tried to console her. Shay, Gavin and I quickly joined making sure we knew that she felt loved and that we didn't want her to die. A few hours later Avia was released from the hospital and we were able to take her home. She ended up sleeping the rest of the afternoon waking up just in time for dinner, we had spaghetti her favorite thing in the world. We tried to keep the earlier part of today out of our minds but it was a little hard considering that Avia couldn't walk, had a cast and had bruises and cuts everywhere. I still can't believe someone of our own blood would do that to my daughter. 

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