Emmi's Birthday and A trip to the ER

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Shay's POV: Today was Emmi's 7th birthday and were taking to this really cool like laser tag and game place (Like IPlay America if you know what that is). I still had to pick up Emmi's gift, Colette and I already knew what we were going to give her we just needed to go and pick it up. We decided we were going to get her a bike because she had grown out of her old one and could now ride her bike better, so now she would get a real bike like Avia and Gavin have. Colette was going to take Gavin, Emmi, Brock and Daxton over first while I took Avia with me to go pick up the bike, if anyone person in this family knew Emmi best it was Avia the two have always been close and know everything about each other. We spent the morning trying to get everything ready, at around 1 Colette took Emmi, Gavin, Brock and Daxton over to the place while I took Avia to the store to go pick up Emmi's bike. When we were walking down to the bike aisles I saw Avia limping, I shook it off because it hadn't been the first time it had happened since her diagnosis. Every once in a while her legs would get sore from the shrinking and movement of the tumors which were pretty close to some important nerves in her leg. About 20 minutes letter we settled on a bike that had a pink body with white tires with purples on them and a little basket type thingy, Avia also got her a balloon that sang happy birthday. When we got to the place I took it outside the back of my truck and told Avia to ride it in and that's how we would reveal it, Colette had texted us where they had set up for the party and hadn't done anything yet because they were waiting on us. It was the perfect set up. Avia rode the bike as I vlogged, it was going to be priceless to see her reaction. When we got there we found out that the kids were in the middle of laser tag so I told Avia to go and join the kids and leave the bike and we'll film her when she comes. Avia ran off to the laser tag place to go and join the game while sat and played with Daxton and Winston who Casey and Kayli had been watching, the kids a two hour time slot so they played a few more rounds and when I heard they were finished I went over there to see how everything went. I turned on the camera and got the consensus of who won and everything, the red team won which was the team Avia ended up being on and Emmi was on the blue team but she didn't really care. I told Emmi that I got her a gift and that it was here I could tell she was getting really excited, Avia grabbed Emmi's hand and covered her eyes because the gift wasn't wrapped. She lead Emmi over to the table where the bike was parked and said 1, 2, 3 open your eyes, I could tell that she loved it because she fake died. I pretended to drag out to the trash because she died that's when she got up and hugged me, I told her to hug Avia to because she helped me pick out the bike. Emmi ran over and gave Avia a huge hug and almost knocked Avia off her feet, she stumbled backward a little and then hugged Emmi back. We stayed for a little while longer at the arcade the kids had pizza for lunch and played arcade while the adults conversed and some of us played arcade games. After we finished up at the place we all went home where we were going to have a family dinner and cake. As the evening went on I could see a change in Avia she was no longer her usual happy sassy self, she seemed to be in pain at first I just thought she was tired but now I was beginning to get worried. I told myself to calm down that if something is wrong she'll tell you, I went on with the evening trying not to worry. At around 9 PM we were just about to open presents when Avia called for me, I had been playing outside with the kids but I had left the screen door open in case Avia needed me. Colette must have heard Avia yell too because she came running in from Daxton's room, what is it what's wrong I asked kneeling in front of her on the couch. My legs hurt really badly and I can't really move them she said crying, Colette and I looked at each other we knew she had to get to the hospital but neither of us wanted to leave Emmi's birthday party. I knew Emmi would be upset but I volunteered to take Avia to the hospital, I picked her up and placed her in the back of the truck with her favorite blanket and sped off to the hospital. I quickly swerved into an ER parking spot picked Avia up out of the back and ran inside, help me I yelled holding Avia, she was still crying and was beginning to lose consciousness. An ER doctor came over and asked me what was wrong, I told him about her cancer and the tumors on her legs and such. He called for a gurney and brought her back to be examined, I texted Colette tweeted and vlogged while waiting for the doctor to come back. At around 10:30 the doctor came back and told me that Avia was going to need surgery on both her legs because the tumors in her legs were badly damaging the nerves in them, she would be in a wheelchair and on crutches for a while because she would have to recover from the surgery and then have to go to Physical Therapy to help her walk again. He asked me to sign some stuff so that way she could be admitted and so that they could do the surgery, I quickly signed everything and then went to call Colette again to let her know what was going on. When she heard she tried to come to the hospital, I told her that I had Avia for the night and to stay home with the kids because it was going to be a long night. I went to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee before heading to the surgery center where I would wait until Avia finished surgery. Avia had been in surgery for about 5 hours when a doctor came out looking for me, I got up and walked toward him. He told me that the surgery was a success and that they were going to bring her up to a room on the children's ward now. I stood there and waited for them to come back so that way I could follow them up to Avia's room, when the nurses came back with Avia I saw that her legs were stitched up and they had braces on them. I sighed and thought of the long road that was now ahead of us in trying to get Avia to walk again. I followed the nurses up to her room and sat down in a chair next to her bed, I held her hand softly rubbed it with my thumb. I felt so bad for she was such a good kid and didn't deserve any of this pain that she was going through. About 30 minutes later Avia's sedation began to wear off, daddy she said to me her eyes fluttering open. What happened am I okay she asked starting to worry, I quieted her down and told her about her tumors and how she had to have surgery. So when will I be to walk again she asked me now more awake, I told her that she would be in a wheelchair until she recovered from surgery and then would be on crutches until she was strong enough to walk on her own again, I also told her that she would have to sometimes when her legs hurt use her crutches and when we went to places like Disney she would probably be in a wheelchair. With that news she began to cry, I climbed next to her in bed and tried to comfort her. She told me that she ruined Emmi's birthday and the entire day and that she was making everybody's lives so much more difficult, I calmed her down telling her that she didn't ruin Emmi's party and that we loved her and no matter what happened we would think of her as difficult or as a problem. Once she stopped crying she leaned her head on my chest and fell asleep, I myself fell asleep around 4 in the morning when I was sure that Avia was asleep and wasn't going to wake up until morning.

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