Playlist Live Day 3

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Shay's POV: 

Today we are finishing shooting for Disney and then were are going to the hotel we will be staying at for Playlist Live. 

"Okay kids come on we're going downstairs for breakfast and then it's off to film at Hollywood Studios." I said rounding up the kids and getting them out the door all in one piece. 

"Daddy can you carry me my legs are tired." Avia asked tiredly 

"Yeah sure baby." I said walking back to her and picking her up. I don't blame her for her legs being tired. I mean she walked around Disney on her crutches and didn't complain once. I'm sure she's exhausted. 

The restaurant we were eating at was a buffet style so after all the kids ordered their drinks they were allowed to go and get food. I was getting food for myself and Avia because she couldn't carry a plate of food and safely use her crutches. I threw Avia up on my shoulders and we were off to get her food. I grabbed two plates and some women behind me tapped me on my shoulder. 

"Yes mam" I said turning around 

"You took the last plate and there's only one of you" she said trying to grab the plate out of my hand. 

"Umm no I'm always getting food for my daughter" I said gesturing to Avia how sitting on my shoulders looking around at everything

"Well then have her get down and get her food for herself. She certainly looks capable enough." She demanded. 

"Miss, my daughter is handicapped. She uses crutches to get around and she can't carry a plate at the same time." I replied 

"And how do I know your not making an excuse?" 

"Miss, why would I lying if my daughter is handicapped." I said kind of rudely 

"I don't know why people do what the do." she said trying to grab the plate again. 

"This conversation is over." I said quickly moving down the line trying to grab some food

"Daddy, why are people so mean?" Avia asked defeatedly 

"I don't know sweetie. I don't know. But what I do know is your not faking it and you shouldn't let it affect you. Some people are just rude." I said showing the cashier our plates and walking back to our table. 

We all sat at the table quickly devouring our breakfast so that way we could catch the car that Disney was sending for us to take us over to Hollywood Studios. 

We loaded up into the car while I put Daxton's stroller in the back along with my backpack because the car was a tight squeeze. We once again we're getting to the park before opening because of filming but we were getting a later start than yesterday and I knew that we were once again going to be filming well into the day. Avia fell asleep on me on the car ride over again, she's been really tired recently. Her doctors did put her on a stronger dose of chemotherapy, I wonder if that's it. I felt so bad for her, she was trying to stay awake and be lively and part of the experience but she was also so drained and needed to rest so that way she could get better. When we got to the park I lightly shook her awake and told her that we were at the park. 

"I wasn't asleep, I was just resting my eyes." she said rubbing her eyes and getting out of the car. 

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." I said putting Daxton in his stroller. 

She chuckled lightly and hobbled forward trying to catch up to Gavin. 

"Hey Av, do you want a wheelchair today. You said your legs were tired before." I asked 

"Yeah I guess so that way if I get really tired we're not desperate." She said hobbling back toward me and sitting down in the wheelchair. 

"Okay so do you want to wheel it yourself or do you want me to wheel it for you." I asked putting my backpack on the handles of the wheelchair. 

"Umm I'm good for that but stay close. Just in case it's too difficult for me because it's not sized for me." she said wheeling herself forward. 

I walked beside her as we entered the park following the same women we did yesterday. Our first ride was going to be Toy Story Mania so that way the whole family could ride it, Cecily was with us today so that way she could watch Brock and Daxton when we went on some rides that they weren't tall enough to ride. Before going on the ride she paired us up with someone, Avia was with Emmi, I was with Gavin and Colette was with Brock, Daxton being a baby was still too young tired and was waiting with Cecily. I was worried about Avia, I mean I was always nervous when I wasn't with her because if she was with me I was more in control about what happened to her. We got through Toy Story Mania ok, they got some pretty could shots of us. I didn't realize how competitive we all were until I saw some of the footage from the ride, well at least Avia and Gavin. Emmi seems to be a little more passive like Colette. After this we were off to Hollywood Tower of Terror, the kids had ridden it in California but I had quickly some to realize that even Disney World and Disneyland had some of the same rides the rides themselves had slightly different content and it was interesting to pick out the differences between the two parks. 

The rest of the day consisted of filming and going on rides, at around three in the afternoon we were released from our filming duties and we were off to the hotel to pack up and head off to the hotel we were staying at for Playlist. I had made the kids pack all of their stuff last night and was just a matter of packing our things and some of Avia's medical things that we had to leave out, like her pills, because she needed them on a daily basis. 

We loaded everything up into an Uber that I had called and we were off to the Marriott for Playlist. Even though we were leaving Disney the kids were still excited because they loved Playlist and they were still on vacation even though this was a work thing. It's kind of interesting to call this work because my kids are apart of it which means that my kids have jobs. I always wonder what the other kids think about them because there whole lives are documented online and we randomly leave to go to these events were people pay thousands of dollars to meet us and buy our merchandise. Ohh well the kids seem to love it and they've never told me they've been bullied because of Youtube, so we'll continue to do it until it becomes a problem or we get board. Which I don't think will be anytime soon because I love vlogging. 

After settling into the hotel I had to go downstairs and help set up the clothing booth for the new company I was starting. It was called Trixin and I'm so excited, years ago my grandfather owned his own store and that inspired me to start up mine. Gavin and Avia asked to come with me to help set up, they were the oldest two and both were fairly responsible so I let them come with me. We were on the way down when I made Avia and Gavin go back to the room so that way Avia could get a mask, this wasn't Disney and who knows what bacteria could be lurking around here. I know people think that this might be me being a germ freak but it's not. It's just a concerned parents looking out for his cancerous daughter's health. 

She returned with her mask on and we headed back down to the convention hall which is where Playlist was being held. It was so exciting to see other people's booths and everything being set up. This is why I love Youtube. 

We spent the rest of the night downstairs finishing setting up the booth. I had to walk Avia and Gavin back to the room for dinner and another chemo  treatment. I wasn't there for most of it though because I had to finish setting up the booth. It killed me inside but this is important too and Colette knew and was okay with it. Avia was upset and wanted me there and knew that this was a part of my job. It pained me to not be there especially when I probably could have left to go up there. Never again do I want to put my business before my daughter. 

AN: Alright three straight weekend up dates in a row. I'm on a role. Also what do you think of Avia and Shay's relationship, I tried to make Avia have a strong relationship with all the characters but as of now I think she has a really strong relationship with Gavin and Shay. Tell me what you guys think. Thanks for reading! Bye! 

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