Grand Finale

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" The day is finally here." Aunt Harlow beamed.

Seemed like forever, yet forever was finally happening.  Didn't take long for Joe and I to realize that life was too short and we didn't want to waste more time on not being together. Today was the day I was going to marry my best friend Joe. As I walked down the aisle, I went over my vows in my head. It was such a beautiful day out. Despite some rain, the sun finally came out.  

"And  now I pronounce you husband and wife." Announced Noah.

Bren had decided to settle down in Friendship and is currently working for Noah. Melody and him met at one of our dances. So far things are going great and I couldn't have been happier for them. 

Aunt Harlow even found someone. She met Jake, while he was trying to find a new suit at her boutique.  She  currently is doing the career she always wanted. She opened her own boutique and was designing clothes for  men and women there. Thanks to Aunt Harlow my wedding dress looked amazing. It was short and white. I wore it with my cowgirl boots Jake got me.

Jake and I were headed off to our honeymoon. Because of all the crazy stuff in our lives, especially mine. Joe and I were planning on keeping that a secret on where at.

"So Mrs. Johnson, are you ready for what I have store for you." teased my hubby.

"Yes, I am. Seems we have this room all to ourselves. So you can do whatever you want." i teased back.

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