Familiar Face

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" Lydia !!!" yelled a familiar face.
I knew this person, but not sure how. Next thing I knew she was hugging me and crying.
I pulled back. She was confused.

"I'm sorry you look familiar, however I can't remember your name. It's fuzzy. Let me explain. I had a bad accident a while back. My memory isn't what it use to be." I responded puzzled by the stranger by me.

"I'm your aunt Harlow. Your my niece Lydia. I helped raise you after your parents died." She cried out of shock that my memory wasn't recalling her.

Just then Noah and Joe appeared. Thank goodness.

"Ma'am I'm gonna ask you to come with us to talk in private. Kimbers is in our care. We take care of our own, here in Friendship. I'm Officer Thompson & this is Joe. "Noah insisted.

"I'm sorry officer. I understand. Here's proof that I'm her aunt." She sobbed as she followed us to a more private area.

Noah looked over everything before releasing further information. Joe was also being cautious as well.

"Kimbers was found along the shore of one of our town's people's homes. She has very little memories as to what happened. She was in a coma and suffered from a concussion from the blow she took to her head. The blow to her head also caused amnesia. As you can tell she's doing better now, despite the memory loss." Noah briefly described what happened.

The woman who appeared familiar and claimed to be my aunt was sobbing so hard. I decided to reach out. After all maybe she could help with my memory,

"I'm sorry. You look familiar. Just trying to push myself too much because it causes my head to hurt. If and when a memory comes I try and not overdo it. Doc's orders. I really need answers to what I have discovered." I mentioned.

The woman known as my aunt explained so much. By the time she was ready to go my head hurt and I was crying from it. Joe was right by side comforting me. The woman was more confused on what she saw with Joe.

"So you know I'm spoken for by Joe. I have no idea who i was with before. However all that has changed. If I have to divorce or whatever I'm not leaving him. I love him and he's been by side since I got here. Plus why be with anyone I can't remember. " I protested.

"You were almost married. Two days before your wedding, your fiancé was shot by his enemy Abnus. You were in hiding. When he got shot, you wanted to be there. To protect you, your fiancé broke up with you. He said some really harsh things. You weren't' yourself after he broke up with you. After Sally and I were in bed, you slipped out. Abnus found you and we believe is the one who we have come to believe hit you in the head. I have the note and picture of him. Here. Sally was the agent who watched over us. Mainly me." Explained Harlow.

The note said:

"Revenge is bittersweet. You thought you had the last word and that I was going to kill you. Now you can feel pain in the worst way through your former fiancé."


"That's him Noah! He took my memory!" I screamed. Then I started crying again. Joe just held me.

Noah, Joe, and the doc all agreed hiding and running was not good for my health and me healing. I decided that Noah would still continue to keep watch. Joe would stay with me to keep guard.

Later that night Joe laid next to me and helped because I was so sick from all the events that unfolded. My memory was slowly coming back. Mainly of Harlow. Not really of my fiance I had before. I fell asleep with Joe holding me again.

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