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     "I'm still trying to process this. A lot has happened. I know your excited. Please give me time." I explained to the couple.

    "Take some time to process. When we get home, if you need a massage, rest, time in the hot tub, facial, etc just let us know." stated Bonnie.

      As we approached the giant house that looked like a castle, I knew my life and world was going to completely change whether I was ready or not.

     The next few days I took time for me. I got lots of rest. I took full advantage of all the perks and then decided to talk to Bonnie and Dave.

   " So if your my parents, I'd like a DNA test. Not hard now a days to forge or make documents up. Why did y'all give me up? Also what's y'all blood types? Issues during pregnancy?" I inquired.

   " Sure. We gave you up for your safety. Someone found out your mom was pregnant and planned on taking you  and hurting you. So, we told everyone that Bonnie miscarried. We asked our closest friends, Brinlay and Eric, to help take care of you, until we could tell you about us. No pregnancy is easy. Your mom lost a lot of blood and had to have a transfusion. Very scary." responded Dave.

   " Definitely scary. So for health reasons, what is your and moms blood type? I asked.

   " Mine is A. Your mom's is O. " He replied.

   " Hopefully, I don't need one. What blood transfusion type did mom get, so I know in future? I asked.

  " Well any would of worked to help save her." He replied.

    Oddly the DNA test took a bit. Lot of issues with it. Got lost in the lab and results lost in the mail. After over a month it finally came. According to the results, they were my parents.  However, a lot of stuff didn't add up with me. I just had the feeling that something wasn't right.

   One night I heard a tap coming from my bathroom. I went in and saw Bren. He pointed to his lips to be quiet. Went to speak & he handed me a letter. I wrote on the paper, that I agreed with him.

     Later that night I went into the bathroom and I opened the mirror as instructed by Bren and was directed into a secret  green room. Rolling my eyes,  I stood there waiting for Bren. When he came, he led me to a secret passageway, that led us to a secret long staircase,  and from there led to more tunnels. Just like last time, I followed him until we got to safety. After all of that, we got into a dark vehicle and onto a smaller plane. There on the plane, was another guy.

  " Hi. My name is Tony. I do hair. So no one recognizes you, we are dying your hair a different color. " he stated.

   I chose a color and let him do his magic, while Bren flew us to a safe destination.

So, many hours passed and while looking out the window,  I saw an ocean and palm trees. I assumed we were on some island.

I got off the plane and felt the sand through my toes.

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