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" Your alive!" I yelled. I saw Blake in the corner. He looked very angry and upset that I was there.

"Sally, I can't believe you brought her and her aunt here. They are in grave danger. You were always the sentimental type. We have told not to let your-----"

"Now you leave Sally alone! I would be your wife right now! Had it not been for this! What is going on? How dare you leave me with no word or anything. I thought you were dead or almost dead!" I interrupted.

"It is over. We are not getting married. Look we got caught up in things. What happens undercover. My enemy found us. He will kill everything in is path till he has me dead. You and your aunt are going to safety." He nastily informed me.

"I don't believe you! Your making this all up! This is our life. Your not just flushing what we have down the drain. We love each other!" I screamed.

"Listen here Sil it was fun while it lasted. Just get on with life. It's no big deal. How undercover goes." He responded.

"If this is how you want to end things, your call. However, jobs come and go. The love we had, rarely happens. Have a great life. Come on Sally and Aunt Harlow." I cried.

I couldn't believe all this. I didn't want to. However you can't force what someone doesn't want. I had no idea what to believe. If this was even was real.

My aunt and Sally held me for days and fed me. I cried for days. Barely could eat. Had no clue where we were and I could care less. I just got lost in the emptiness that I felt inside.

"Sally. We can't let her go on like this. Is there a place we can go that is not so gloomy and rainy? I'm afraid losing Bren was her breaking point. She has seen and been through soo much.?" pleaded my aunt Harlow.

I didn't need to listen anymore. I was breaking free and getting out of here. I waited till it was nice and dark out. Then while my aunt and Sally were snoring, I snuck out. Thankfully the rain had stopped. I walked through the dark woods. There was a dock and a boat next to it. I tried to push the thoughts of Jason and Freddy running through my mind aside. I climbed into the boat and started paddling. I didn't want to wake anyone.  The water was tough to push through, however I was tougher. All of sudden I heard a loud thud and that was it.

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