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Evie's POV

"I do" He said with a bright smile. "And do you Evie Blake take Lucas Ray as you lawfully wedded husband and your king" the preacher asked.

"I do" I stated with tears brimming the corner of my eyes. "Then with the power invested in me I now pronounce you king and queen, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my face softly. I felt his soft lips find mine and my eyes immediately shut. Our lips moved on sync with one another. It was the best feeling in the world. I guess I should probably go back a little bit to explain.

After that night Lucas would not leave my side. Even just trying to got to the bathroom alone was a struggle. I understand where he's coming from but still your girl needs her privacy.

He officially introduced me to the pack a week later. To say I was terrified was would be an understatement. I thought that they would all hate me or think that I shouldn't be her because I used to be a rouge.

But to my astonishment they where all extremely kind and loving. It was like the family that I never had.

After I met with the pack Lucas to me out on a date. He took me to the cave that we visited once before but this time he had lanterns strung everywhere. There was also a picnic set up with some of my favorite foods.

We ate and talk before he popped the big questions. Ok no not that one. He asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I agreed to it.

That was when we shared our first true kiss. It was one of the most magical things to even happen to me. It felt as if the entire world stopped and it was only us. I wanted more of it, of him and that's what I got.

About a month into our amazing relationship he marked me. Ya that's one thing that I never thought I would say.

It was our two month anniversary and of course he made sure it was perfect. We started out the day with a lovely breakfast that he prepared followed by a trip to an animal rehabilitation center.

Some how he managed to get us back stage to where all of the cool stuff happened. He knows that my one and only weakness is adorable animas.

We ended the day with a fancy dinner at a rooftop restaurant. The restaurant towered over the city and made me fell like we where sitting in the clouds.

But that's not even the best part of the day. When we were getting ready for bed I herd the doorbell ring. I was confused on why someone would come here this late but Lucas seemed to know exactly what was going on.

Being the gentleman that he is he made me go get the door. When I opened it, I swear my jaw hit the floor. In front of me was I basket holding a German Shepard puppy with an cute little bow tie wrapped around his neck.

"Omg Lucas are you for real" I squill. "Do you like him" he asked me. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love him almost as much as I love you" I told him before placing a kiss on his check.

I let go of he and rushed over to my new puppy. "Now what ever are we going to call you" I asked to no one in particular. "What about Lucas jr" my mate suggested.

I looked at him and rolled my eye before turning back to the adorable bundle of fur that I held in my arms. "What about knight" I asked him. He barked and licked my cheek in response.

"I guess he likes it" Lucas's laughed. "I guess so" I responded laughing as well. That night things got a little heated and let's just say that he ended up marking me.

That was the best gift that anyone has ever given to me still to this day. Knight was even part of the wedding proposal. That was the perfect day.

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