Chapter 29- Back to reality

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Evie's POV

Welp it finally happened I died. I'm going to the fiery gates of hell. Before I had nothing to live for but now I have Lucas. The last words that I said to him are still fresh in my mind.

"I love you, and I'm so happy that your my mate". I'm glad that I finally told him how I felt at least now I get to die knowing that he knows I love him.

I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see hell but instead all I saw was darkness. Was I not good enough for hell, ouch universe. I looked around but there was nothing not a single thing.

You know I think this might just be worse then hell at least hell is something this is just nothing. For some reason rage took over my body and I broke out into a sprint.

No matter how long I ran or where I ran it was all the same darkness. I collapsed onto the floor and cried. I cried for the life that I lost, I cried for everything that I never got to do, I cried for the home that I never truly had but most of all I cried for my mate who I'm never going to see agin.

I was a selfish brat when I meet him. I  should have never been so stubborn when we first met. I should have just accepted him. We could have been happy but instead I pushed him away and hurt him. He didn't deserve to get stuck with me as a mate. He should of had some one better then me.

A blinding flash of light interrupted my thought. I hissed in pain and squeezed my eye shut trying to keep they light out of them.

"Look at me my child" I herd a soft angelic voice say to me. I slowly looked up to no longer find myself surrounded by darkness but instead a beautiful field.

There where bright colorful flowers littered everywhere. The grass was bright green and soft as a wolves pelt. The sky was a gorgeous crystal blue with the sun sparkling.

As beautiful as the scene was the woman in front of me was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen.

She had skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun it's self. Her hair was a lovely shade of brown with blond highlights that the sun hit perfectly. She had blue eyes that but even the bluest ocean to shame. It seemed as if she was glowing. Almost like she was a goddess.

I herd her laugh and released that she must have caught me staring. "You flatter me my dear child" she laughed.

I looked at her with a confused look. It was almost as if she could read my thoughts. "That's because I can dear" she told me.

"Wha... who are you" I stuttered out. "Well you see my child I am the moon goddess" she told me. Oh my gosh she must think I'm so disrespectful right now. WAIT, should I bow. I'm going to bow.

I bowed my head in respect not wanting to seem even worse the I must already look. "Pick your head up my child there is no need for that" she commanded while pushing my chain up with two of her fingers.

When she tucked me I felt warmth spread throughout my entire body. It not the same as the sparks that I get from Lucas, more like a motherly bond.

I felt my heart tug at the thought of Lucas. I miss him so much and I'm never going to be able to see him again. "That's what I wanted to speak to you about my child" she said to me.

I looked her in pure confusion, but a little bit of hope seeped into my heart. Maybe she knows of a way in witch I can communicate with Lucas.

"I am not her to tell you how to communicate with him" she told. I felt my heart brake at her words. "But" she continued "I am her to tell you that you must go back to him".

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