Chapter 26- life or death

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Evie's POV:

There in all of his glory stood my Beautiful mate. He let out an enormous growl shaking to entire room.

"Looks like you found her" Diesel snarled. "Get off of her" Lucas snarled out.

Diesel wrapped his hand around my neck cutting off my air supply. Before he could do much damage he was knocked off of me.

I rush to cover myself up with the blanket on the bed. We I looked around I saw both Diesel and Lucas in there wolf forms fight one another.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw witchy boy saying something. As fast as I could I shifted and attacked him. I definitely should not have shifted with all of my injuries but I had to help him.

I tackled the witch to the ground knocking the air out of the both of us in the process.

Once I could breath again I snapped at his face. He flung me off of him and into a wall. He raised his hands to do another spell but all of a sudden it was almost like some invisible force was holding his arms down.

A tall man stepped into the door way. He had brown curly hair and greenish hazel eyes. He had a sharp jaw line and a slight stubble on it.

His hands where up like Kenan's hands where previously. I took a cautious step backwards and snarled at him. "I'm not the enemy here Evie, now is not the time to explain go help your mate" he told me.

I nodded my head and looked for Lucas. I turned around and saw them fighting tooth and nail. I ran and jumped on top of Diesel.

I bite down as hard as I could on his shoulder. That shoulder already seemed to be messed up. He yelped in surprise and pain. A quick look of surprise showed in Lucas's eyes before he put his game face on.

He threw me off into a wall causing me to let out a small yelp. Lucas launched himself at him while he was distracted with me. He managed to pin Diesel to the ground he bit into his  neck stopping all of his movements.

He stepped off of him and ran over to where I laid on the floor in pain. All of the adrenaline left my body and the previous injuries all caught up with me.

I completely collapsed on to the floor as he came over. I felt his wet nose pressing all over my body trying to find out where exactly I was hurt. I let out a little whine when he touched one of the many places that the whip hit.

He continued to check my injuries as the very pleasurable tingles where running through my body.

I opened my eye to look at him agin. I looked into his gorgeous green eyes for first time in weeks. As we where looking into each other's eyes I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

I knew exactly what was happening and everything moved in slow motion. The pain I was feeling temporarily disappeared. I shoved Lucas to side before Diesel could snap his neck.

Instead on Diesel bitting Lucas's neck he got my stomach. He ripped out a huge chunk of it right before Lucas got to him.

Within a second Lucas had Diesel pinned and snapped his neck. Just like that Diesel was dead, his eyes rolled to the of his head and he was gone for good.

I crumbled to the ground dizzy from all of the blood rushing out of me. My eyesight went fuzzy, and the room started to spin.

I herd Lucas's panicked voice but it sounded so distant. I felt myself being lifted off of the ground. I could feel tingles so I knew that it was Lucas who was holding me.

The wind hitting my told me that we where running. I soon felt the early morning sunlight hitting my back. "Hold on where almost there" I herd him plead to me.

I soon felt my self placed on a cold metal table. I let out a small whimper at the loss of the tinges. "Alpha she lossing to much blood i'm going to have to force a shift so that I can stop all of the blood" I herd some one say.

I felt the cool needle Piercing my skin and releasing all of the liquid into my blood stream. My bone started to pop and brake, the fur back n my body left as I became a human agin.

"I missed you so much angle" I Lucas said once I sifted as he squeezed my hand. I cracked my eyes open to see his face again. "I love you, and I'm so happy that your my mate" I told him before it all went black. 'Goodbye cold and unforgiving planet'

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