Chapter 23- Planing

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Lucas's pov:

He found it, he found the trail! It's been two days since he came and he had managed to get a trail. Right now I am hold a meeting with the top one hundred warriors in my pack.

"I'm sure that some of you have herd the rumors that I have found my mate" I started. "Well those rumors are true, I have found your Luna" I said. I could hear some gasp in the crowd.

I silenced it with a wave of my hand before continuing. "I know you would all like to meet your Luna but I'm afraid that she has been taken".

There was a mixture of gasps and growling. They didn't even know her and they already where protective. "We have found her location and will be going to get her. We will set off tonight at nine. Your dismissed" I finished.

There where many 'yes Alpha's' and such be for they got up and left. I turned to Thorn and said "I want twenty six black SUV's and three medical vans". He nodded his head before heading off to get everything ready.

~~~Time skip to nine~~~

All of the van where filled with pack warriors except one which was for the higher ranked wolves, and warlock. Abby, Thorn, Quinn, Nathan, and Jamie entered the SUV.

I turned and looked at Alex. "Your gonna get her back" he said patting my shoulder. "I sure hope so" I mumbled. I looked into his eyes and said "you in charge until I get back. Keep everyone and let me know if anything important happens".

"Sir yes sir" he stated with a fake salute. "Now go get your girl back" he finished nodding his head to the SUV. "Be safe" I told him heading to the SUV.

I got into the passenger side signaling for Thorn to start driving. He hit the petal and we took off into the night.

The ride there the atmosphere was tense. No one uttered a word for the entirety of the two hour car ride. We parked all of the SUVs on a dirt road a little bit out side of the Territory.

We where located in no mans land, meaning that the where most likely a ton of rouges roaming around out here.

"Ok everyone my mate and your Luna is somewhere in this Territory. Before we attack I want to scout out the area. Abby I want you to take a patrol of six wolves and head south. I will also take a group and we will head north.

We should make a circle around the land. The goal is to find out where they are keeping my mate. Once we come back we will put together a plain of attack. We will attack at dawn. Thorn will be in charge until I get back. Does everyone understand" I asked. Everyone replied with 'yes alpha' before I said that the are dismissed.

I grabbed six of my men and we all shifted. I shook out my fur before bounding off north. My patrol was right behind me as we Canvased the area.

After about thirty minutes I felt a strange pull. I followed my instincts to what looked to be an old warehouse. I saw a ton of rouges surrounding it but the best part was that I picked up on my mates scent.

'I know where she is' I mind-linked the pack. We finished the rest of the patrol. We arrived back at our base at midnight.

Thorn, Abby, Nathan, Jamie, Quinn and I all stepped away for the group to discuss a battle plan. "I know where there keeping her" I started.

They all looked at me waiting for me to continue. "There's a large warehouse north of here. There's at least fifty wolves surrounding it" I told them.

"Ok well not only do we have the element of surprise but we still have the numbers on our side" Abby stated.

"Shes right, but we don't know where exactly the Luna is and we also don't know how many wolves are inside the warehouse" Nathan put in.

"True but we have a warlock" Thorn added.

"So do they and from what I can tell he is very powerful" sighed Jamie.

"Ok well are warriors are a lot better trained the a bunch of rouges. We would only have to send about thirty of or wolves to take out the fifty rouges outside the rest can go in" Quinn told us.

"But should we risk the lives of or warriors by stacking the odds against them" Abby growled out.

"She's right these warriors have mates and kids to get back to, and I don't want to chance getting them killed" I sighed.

"Ok well what about forty of our warriors fight the rouges outside" Nathan voiced.

"That could work but we need a plan for once we get in there" I stated.

"Well you going to be able to track her down the best so we can have a group of ten warriors go with you to find her the rest of us will cover your back holding off whatever rouges we find inside the warehouse" Thorn says.

"Right" I reply nodding my head in response.

"I'll go with you as well. Most likely he is going to have the warlock that's working for him guarding your mate. Your going to need to Focus on the head rouge and your mate, you won't be able to take on a warlock at the same time" Jamie informs us.

"Ok then" I start "Abby and Nathan, I want you guys to lead the group outside. Thorn and Quinn you have the group inside and Jamie your with me" I finish off.

They all nod there head and we head back to the main group. I briefed all of the warriors on the plan and split them up into there groups. By the time that I finished it was about two in the morning. I told everyone to rest and that we would be setting out in and hour.

I sat down leaning against a tree a little ways away from everyone. I rested my head against the trunk of the tree and thought. I thought about my little mate.

I thought about how we meet. When she tried to escape. All the times that she would fight with Thorn. When I took her to my favorite cave. Even all of the tender times that we shared. She was just starting to accept me as her mate before she was taken.

"Where going to get her back" a voice said from behind me. I turned to find Thorn standing there. "I know I just miss her" told him.

"I know if that was my mate I would be crazy right now" he said taking a seat next to me. "I just hope she's ok" I sighed, my head falling. "If there's one thing that I know about Evie it's that she's a fighter" he states I laugh at that think about all of the funny stunts that she's pulled.

"I know that she's ok, and probably being a hand full right now" he finished. "Your right" I told him looking up into his eyes. "When am I not right" he boasted. I simply rolled my eyes at him before saying "it's time to get my little fighter back".

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