Chapter 8- A run

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When I opened my eyes I was meet with the bright light from the sun. I looked at the alarm clock on my dresser as I read 8:37. I threw off the covers and tried to stand. The first few steps were shaky but I soon was fine.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. All of my physical injury's were gone, I looked filthy tough. My hair was dirty and matted, my normal pale skin was dark and brownish and and my clothes were wrinkled.

I slipped my clothes off over my body walked into the shower and started to clean myself. I scrubbed myself hard and long before starting with my hair. I put this forest smelling shampoo in my hair and rubbed it in good. I rinsed out the shampoo and turned off the shower.

I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and left the bathroom. I put on some matching undergarments before looking for something to wear. I don't have any of my clothes since all of them were in shreds.

I opened the doors to the wardrobe and in side I saw an abundant of dress. The sight made me want to gage. I hated dresses there to girly, I preferred jeans or leggings with a T-shirt. As I skimmed through the wardrobe and I settled on a baby pink dress with some blue and orange flowers on it. It also tied around my waist.

I placed the outfit on the bed and took the hanger out as the door opened. I turned to see Lucas staring at me. It took me a second before I realized I was only in underwear and a bra.

I chucked the hanger at him and yelled "pervert" at him but thanks to his stupid Alpha speed he was able to close the door in time therefore the hanger got stuck in the door.

The door cracked open and his head popped through the creak as he said "I just came in here to tell you the breakfast was ready" and with that he closed the door. I could hear as  his footsteps faded into the distance.

I threw the dress on over my head tied it up and rushed downstairs into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I saw a plate with at least seven pancakes on it. Thorn was drinking a cup of Coffee, and Lucas was making more pancakes.

I sat down in front of the stack of pancakes and started to devour them when Lucas said "Are you not going to get some syrup with that". "I've never tried syrup" I said around a mouth full of food. Lucas slid a bottle of syrup down the table as he sat down I opened the bottle and poured some of the delicious smelling brown goo fall on to my pancakes.

I slowly cut a piece of and ate it. My eyes went wide as the amazing maple taste overcame me. "Is it good" Lucas said letting out a small laugh. I only moaned in response. Lucas let out another small laugh as he started to eat his food.

I shoveled the rest of the food into my mouth and washed it down with some water. I picked up my plate and placed it in the sink.

I jumped onto the couch and grabbed the remote. I hit the own button and the black screen then showed some people sitting at a desk. This was definitely the news. I changed the channel until I got to a fight scene in a movie.

I saw iron man a captain America attacking each and I was extremely confused. "I thought there the good guys why are they fighting" I asked as Thorn walked into the living room and sat down next to me.

"Don't know this just came out" he said. Turned back to the tv watching as some ant dude grew and was now the size of a giant while hold a rip off iron man.

Thorn and I watched the movie while Lucas went to his office to do some work or something. When the movie ended Lucas came out of his office and grabbed a bottle of water.

I looked out of a window as my wolf was clawing to come out. 'Maybe we could just fight Thorn again I'm mean it is pretty fun' Stela said. I can't attack with Lucas right there duh. 'I don't see why not' she huffed. I mentally rolled my eyes at her and shut her out.

"What's wrong" Lucas asked probably picking up on the fact that I was going to fight his beta the second he left the room. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up to stretch.

"Would you like  to go on a run" Lucas asked. My face lit up looking like a kid on Christmas morning. I sprinted to the door but before I could leave strong arms snakes around my waist.

"There are going to be some ground rules though" he said, "first I'm coming with you, two stay close to me the entire time and third don't even think about trying to run away. Do we have ourselves a deal". I growled but nodded my head while trying to get out of his grip.

Lucas let me go Stela a little disappointed, and he opened the door gesturing for me to go. I walked out of the house and headed behind I tree. I started to peel off my clothes and throw them into the tree. Then I started to shift. I closed my eyes a thought about being a wolf the wind in my fur, walking on all fours and when I opened my eyes I was my gorgeous white wolf.

I walked out from behind the tree and saw Lucas big black wolf. I padded up to him ready to leave. Standing next to him I was so small and I hated it.

I sprinted off into the trees swerving in and out. Lucas was on my tail the entire time no matter how fast I ran. After running for awhile I started getting tired and started to slow down.

Lucas came up to me and nuzzled my shoulder telling me to follow him. he padded off into a bunch of thick undergrowth. I followed him getting a bunch of twigs and leaves snagged in my fur in the process.

I kept walking staring at Lucas's butt the entire time until he came to a halt and I ran into him. Lucas pulled some vines out of the way giving me a clear path into a cave I stepped in and Lucas followed me.Surprisingly the cave wasn't dark, instead it was lit by these blue glowing crystal.

We kept walking until I saw light ahead, like natural light. I ran past Lucas to the light and stopped dead in my tracks by what I saw.



Thanks for reading this weeks chapter I hoped you enjoyed it. Remember this is my first story and it's gonna have lots of errors and nobody is forcing you to read it so if you don't like it then don't read it.💜💜💜

Life of a Rouge Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora