Chapter 4- let me leave

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I was fighting now with all my might, but he only kept me pinned and looked at me with pleading eye. His eye begged me to just calm down and go with him but that was not about to happen, I would not be someone's play toy.

I tried to kick him off but that only made him angry. He grabbed me neck in his mouth. He was able to kill me in two seconds. I went limp in his mouth not in the mood to die and he set me back down on the forest floor.

He has a paw on me so I don't run away. Blondie burst through the bushes within seconds and looks at me then at the Alpha then to me and back to the Alpha again.

"A ROUGE. Really. Out of all the girls your mates a Fucking rouge" he says. Lucas growls at him and then he's eyes goes glossy as he starts using the mind link. While he's detracted I try to get out of his grasp but he bends down and growls in my ear. I immediately stop moving still not really wanting to die right now.

Finally Lucas gets off of me and heads into the woods. He left me with his friend like I needed a babysitter. Blondie looks at me and says "hey my name is Thorn and I'm the beta here".

I look at him sizing him up, I could take him on and only suffer a few injuries."you know Lucas isn't gonna let you out of his sights".

Lucas came back out with basketball shorts on and my bag in his hands. "Are you going to change" Lucas asked. Shook my head no and Lucas started walking.

Having enough of this I pounced on Thorn slamming him to the ground. He changed under my paws and I was looking at his ginger wolf again.

He kicked me off of him and into a tree. I yelp as Lucas's black wolf joins the fight and jumps on top of me. I bite his paw and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach. He was off balanced and he fell off of me I lunged at him but he used his Alpha speed and moved to the side. I ended up getting a nice mouth full of air as my back left leg was swept from underneath me. He got on top of me in Triumph and his beta came padding over to us.

Lucas started padding's off into the forest. Thorn was pushing me towards Lucas. I turned around to growl at him but he only flicked his ears towards lucas reminding me a why I can't win this fight.

I kept walking for about thirty minutes before we finally came to a stop. Lucas went behind a tree and came back in his human form wearing his usual basketball shorts.

"go change and come straight back don't even think about running away or so help me I will drag you back here by your scruff then your gonna have to change in front of me" Lucas ordered tossing me my bag.

I walked behind a tree and sat down. 'We have to get out of here now' Stela was yelling at me.  Knowing she was right I came up with a plan to escape.

I picked up a stone and threw it at some crows who made a ton of noise there for I was able to make a run for it. I probably made it a mile before I could since someone trailing me. I looked behind me and saw Lucas's big black wolf. I ran as fast as my legs would take me but no matter how fast I ran Lucas was right on my tail. It seemed as if he just wanted to get me tired to make his job easier but I just wanted out of this place.

I looked back at him one more time when I tripped and fell on a root. Lucas jumped on me knocking the air out of me. I tried to run but it was to late, I was already in the air. There was nothing I could do to stop this all I wanted was to leave.

Lucas picked me up by my scruff and started to walk. I guess I feel asleep because the next thing I know is I'm hitting the ground with a THUD. I yelp in shock and pick up my bag the Alpha hands to me.

There was nothing I could do besides role over and show my stomach (not literally). I finally did as I was told and changed into my human form. I put on black high top converse, gray leggings and an all black T-shirt.

I stepped out from behind the tree and looked at Lucas. As I saw him he was taking me in, every last inch. what a pervert I thought. "Keep your eyes to yourself" I growl at him.

He looked taken aback as if no one has ever talked to him like that because his the all mighty Alpha of the millennium. I roll my eyes and ask " are we going to get going or can I just leave".

"Follow me" he said as he nodded his head to a huge and gorgeous mansion. I stared at him and he turned around to say "you can hate me all you want but your mine". We locked eyes for awhile before I gave in and walked into the mansion.

The first thing I see when I walked in was a grand staircase. To my left was a huge kitchen with not one but two refrigerators, and on my right was the living room there was a door over there too that seemed to lead to an office.

I counted to follow Lucas up the stairs and we came in to a long hallway with at lest twenty rooms. Lucas stoped at the fifth door, he opened it for me and I I walked in he said "this is going be your room if you need anything I'll be next door" and with that he closed me in the room all alone.

In the middle of the room was a white bed with pink and gold stared curtains around it. There was a dresser in one corner and another door on the left back side of the room. I opened the door slowly carefully not to disturb anyone and saw a bathroom on the other side of the door. There was a shower a sink and a toilet in there. It was nothing fancy but it sure beats the woods.

I closed the bathroom doors and walked over to the bed. I took of my converse and buried myself under the blankets. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes but I was still surrounded by blackness. I saw a flash of light in the distance and started to run towards it. It felt like I had been running for day but went nowhere. I growled at the light as I started to get frustrated.

I started to run again but then I fell in to a void. I was falling and falling until I came to a stop still in the air. I felt a cold clammy hand travel up my leg and rest on my thigh. I looked down but still only saw darkness. "Your mine Evie" a voice rang out.

I bolted up right sweating and panting hard. The was only one person who that voice belonged to and I never want to see him again.

Life of a Rouge जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें