Chapter 16- shopping?

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I woke up feeling warm and safe. I snuggled I to the warm brick wall behind me. WAIT!!!! Since when was there a warm brick wall angst my bed.

I try to move but I and stoped by and arm. I follow the arm and relive that it's connected to the brick wall, but It wasn't a brick wall at all, it was LUCAS!!!! What the hell happened last night. I looked down and let out a sigh when I realized I was still clothed.

That's when it hit me, the dream Diesel, him "claiming" me it tree days and me coming in here last night. What am I supposed to do. I can't tell Lucas about it, I would have to go over my whole back story and I didn't want to do that.

I was taken out of my thoughts when the arm wrapped around my waist pulled me closer to the brick wall. We I tried to resist I herd groaning coming from Lucas.

I turned to face him not expecting to be so close to him. I was so close I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose. "Good morning Evie" he said in a husky morning voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

God why does he have this effect on me I should feel nothing for him I don't want a mate. Right?

I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he only brings me closer to his chest. He berries his head into the crock of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"I'm hungry" I whine. He only groaned in response. "You know where not cave men we can use our words" I said teasingly.

"Why can't we stay like this" he asked.

"Because I'm hungry and if I don't eat soon I'm gonna get very grumpy and you don't want to see that" I stated cocking an eyebrow.

He paused before he responded with "I guess you do need food".

He let me go and i hopped out of his bed. I went to the bathroom to do my business before I came back to a very shirtless Lucas with nothing but boxers on.

I very quickly rushed past him and out of the door I closed the room and spun around to find a surprised Thorn. He raises an eyebrow questionably before sniffing the air.

When ever two wolves fully mate you can smell their partners scent on them. It's a way of claiming our territory for us wolves.

I growled a him feeling my wolf surfacing. I walked, more like stomped by him and down the stairs. "Wow someone's cranky" I herd from behind me.

Once I made it to the kitchen I started to raid the pantry and the cabinets. I was satisfied with the box of Frosted Flakes that I found. I sat down at one of the stools and started to devour the cereal.

Half was through the box Lucas came down."That's not a very healthy breakfast Evie" he said.

"Well it tastes good and that's all that matters" I scoffed. I saw the smirk on his face and so very much wanted to wipe it off his face.

"Oh and just so you know we are going shopping today" he said. I put the empty cereal box down on the counter and turned my head to him.

"What" I questioned

"I'm taking you shopping" he repeated slower this time. I stared at him in shock. "We leave in an hour so you mite want to hurry up" he said and with that I was racing up the stairs, tripping a few times.

I usually hated going shopping but all of the clothes I had where dresses and I hated that even more.

Once I got the bathroom I stripped and jumped in the shower. I turned the water on and stepped in.

After my usual 15 minute shower I stepped out and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel. I stepped out of the bathroom and went to get dressed. I put on a dark green shirt dress with a floral pattern. (There a picture of it at the beginning of the chapter).

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