Chapter 25- Hope

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Evie's POV:

I woke up to the door of my room being slammed open. I rolled over and found that it was Diesel in my door way. "Wake up princess" He cooed.

"Fuck off, I will never be yours so get out bitch" I mumbled as I rolled back over. I herd a fingers snap and before I could register what was happening I felt the covers being ripped off of me and to rough hand grab me.

I was torn out of bed in the blink of an eye. The two gards where holding me up by my arms.  Diesel walked up to me and roughly grabbed my chin. "You will be mine soon" he hissed. He released my chin before saying "you know what to do boys".

The both took me down to the all to familiar basement. (AN:⚠️WARNING- abuse scenes coming up⚠️)

My arms where chained above my head. The chain came from the ceiling. They had me to where only my toes where my n the ground.

"Let's have some funny" Dumbass number one said. He grabbed a silver whip off of the wall smirk when I winced. Slowly he walked behind me stopping once he stood be hind my back.

"Did we forget something" Dumass number one asked dumbass number two. "I think we did" dumbass two replied. I growled at them only to be met with a painful slap across the face by dumass two.

"Keep you mouth shut mutt" Dumbass two spat in my face. " back to what I was saying before this little bitch interrupted, what are we forgetting" dumbass number one asked.

"Oh I got it" dumbass started after he snapped his fingers. "She has on way to many clothes" he finished.

The both smirked before ripping off the thin tshirt I was wearing and my black leggings. I was in nothing but a black sports bra and some black panties.

"This is much better slut" dumbass one said grabbing my ass. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he only dug his claws into my butt.

"Let's get one with it now shall we" Dumbass number two said. "We shall Indeed my friend" dumbass one said with a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

The loud crack of the whip rang around the room. I screamed in agony as the silver hit my skin.

"Go ahead and scream for us hoe" dumbass number one cooed. "Your just a bunch of sick little b-ahhhhh" I was cut off with another painful strike across my back.

"Toys don't talk" dumbass two snarled. They continued to while me relentlessly for a good ten minutes until they got bored.

"This is getting boring we should do something else" dumbass one suggested. "I agree" dumbass two said walking over to the wall of knifes.

He grabbed a silver knife with a six inch blade. "I hope your throats not to dry we want to hear your Beautiful cry's" he said tilting my head up with the knife. I winced in pain but held back my cry.

He then took the knife and stabbed it into my thigh. I screamed so loud I think I could have broken glass. "It's music to my ears" he cooed.

He made man more cuts and stab wounds. When he was done his friend dump wolvesbane all over me.
(A/N: it over)

After that they called it a day. The unbound my hand making me crumple to the ground not able to support myself. They grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back up the stairs.

They threw me onto the ground laughing at me before they left. I laid on the ground cold and vulnerable. My throat felt raw from all of the screaming and my entire body was in pain.

I managed to crawl over to the bed and climb up into it. I closed my eyes and feel asleep. For some reason though I felt like the next time that I woke up something big was going to happen.

———Time skip to dawn when Lucas and his pack attack———-

I was rolling down a lunch green hill when the gosh darn door got slammed open for like the fiftyish time. "What the fuck dude" I mumbled still had asleep.

A cold slimy hand wrap around my neck. "How did he find you" Diesel sneered. "What are you talking about" I choked out.

He loosened his grip slightly and snarled "That fucking mate of yours". He spit out mate as if it was poison on is tongue.

That's besides the point though, Lucas found me. He's coming to take me home. I can finial leave this hellhole.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face hearing this news. As soon as it did though my head whipped to the side from the impact of his hand.

"He is not your true mate you slut, and you know what I going to prove it" he hissed finishing with a wicked smile.

He released see his grip on my neck an backed up a little. I scrambled to the back of the bed trying to get as far away from him as possible.

"I highly doubt that the all mighty alpha is going to want used goods" he smirked. "W..wh..wha" I stuttered out as he stalked towards me.

"No please no" I begged trying to kick him. He got on top of me and stat on my legs stoping me from moving them.

I then tried to punch him in the face but he caught my both my fist in one hand and held them above my head. "Get off of-" I started before he slammed his lips onto mine.

I tried to shake his off but it was no use he was like a statue. When he finally broke the kiss he had a wild look in his eyes.

He ripped off both of our remaining clothes. He he tied my hands to the head board with the belt that he was warring.

I started thrashing around frantically trying to get him off of me. "Shhh calm down love" he shushed and he ran his grimy hand up and down my naked body. "Your gonna enjoy this" he laughed.

Right before he was about to entire me the door burst open reviling my one and only true mate, Lucas!

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