Chapter 21- Missing Mate

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Lucas's POV:

It's been two weeks, two long and miserable weeks without my precious mate. Two weeks without seeing her every single day. Two weeks without her in my arms.

I barely sleep or eat anymore, I can't remember the last time I've showered and I lash out at everyone. My wolf rarely speaks to me, he's lost without his mate and to be honest so am I.

I was out for the fifth time today trying to pick up a scent something, anything that would lead me to her. There was nothing it was like she vanished into thin air. Like fucking magic.

WAIT. That's its. MAGIC. whoever took her must have my a witch or a wizard. That would explain why there's no scents.

'Thorn meet me in my office. I have a lead' I mind linked him. I started running as fast as I could to my house. Once I got there I shifted and grabbed a random pair of shorts that where laying around.

I walked inside and went straight to my office. Thorn was already there sitting on the leather couch. "Magic" I stated.

"What" he asked cocking his head to the side. "The reason we can't pick up any scent is because the mist of used magic to take her" I stated. He looked at me for a second and the it clicked.

"If they used magic the we can find a wizard and the can trace the location" he said getting where I was going with this.

"Call Jamie, I am finding my mate" I stated. Nothing in this world Is going to keep me from Evie. I don't care if I have to flip over every rock I will find her.

Jamie arrived the next morning around ten. "So what is this emergency that I was called down her for" he inquired.

"Well as you may have herd I found my mate" I started. Jamie nodded his head and said "so I've herd. From what I've gathered she is quite feisty". I laughed at that.

To be honest I have missed all of the trouble that she got into. "Well she's been takin. We have been trying to track her sent but it's like she disappeared" I started.

"Almost like so sort of magic" he said finishing my sentence. "Right" I said. "How long ago was she taken" he asked me. "It's been about two weeks" I told him. He shook his head at this.

"What, what's wrong" I asked panic lacing my voice. "Well after about a week magical trails start to vanish" he said. "So your saying that it's impossible to find her" I growled.

"No what I'm saying is it's going to be hard but not impossible" he replied. "Where is the last spot you know she was in" he asked me. I just nodded my head signaling him to follow me.

I lead him to the front door and said "this is the last place where we where able to track her scent".

"Ok give me about ten minutes and I should be able to get a magic trail" he told me. I went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

After about five minutes Drake started to get impatient. To be honest so was I. "What's taking him so long" Drake growled. "It's only been five minutes, and it said that it would take him about ten" I replied.

"I want my mate back. I need my mate back" he growled. "You don't think that I miss her too. Do you think I don't miss her sweet scent, or waking up to her small frame curled up to my chest. Do you think I don't miss her feisty little personality because let me tell you I do. I miss her more then anything" I growled.

Drake didn't say anything after that. I wait for another eight minutes before Jamie came in. "The warlock who casted the spill is very strong" he said.

I felt my heart drop. "What does that mean she's gone" I snarled. I saw him flinch before saying "that's not what I'm saying".

"Then what are you saying" I hissed. "Well what I'm saying is he used another spell to keep me from getting to the magic trail but I was able to find out the name of the warlock. All I have to do is put a locator spell on him and we'll get you mate back" He said.

"What idiot took my mate" I snarled. "His name is Kennan. I've herd of him he's very young and power hungry. He's probably working with someone who promised him a high position" he replied.

"Where is that little son of a bitch" I asked. "I'm going to need a map" he told me. "Right" I mumbled before heading to my office. I herd him start to follow behind me.

Once I got into my office I went behind my desk and sat down in my chair. He sit down in the chair in front of me. He smirked and then flicked his wrist. The door shut on its own.

It was pretty cool, but right now finding Evie is the only thing that matters. I reached into one of my drawers and pulled out a map of all of North American. It was split up by packs or no mans land.

I placed it in front of Jamie and then waited. He grabbed a black sharpie and then closed his eyes. He started to mumble so gibberish and then his hand started to shake. After about a minute of this he froze his hand started to move north.

It then stopped in the no mans land north west of here. He circled the location with his sharpie the opened his eyes. That's where you will find Kennan" he said.

"Thank you Jamie you dont know how much this means to me" I said truthfully. "You did the same thing for me when I lost Emma. I just hope that we find your mate before what happed to Emma happens to her" he said.

I could hear the depression in his voice. I guess that I should probably explain.

Emma was my sister she was a year younger then me. We where closer the two peas in a pot. We did everything together. In high school Jamie moved to our school. On her eighteenths birthday she discovered that her and Jamie where mates.

They loved each other very much. I was always a little bit jealous that my little sister found her mate before me but as long as she was happy that's all that counts.

When she was in her senior year a huge group of rouges attacked us and took her. I had just recently been given the tittle of the alpha of the millennium. Me and Jamie where going crazy trying to find her.

After about a month we found her, but we where to late. The rouges turned on each other and started to fight in the process the killed Emma. They tortured her first before she bleed out.

When me and Jamie got to her she was on the ground chocking on her own blood. The last words she said to me where "when you find her hold on. I love you so much".

She then turned to Jamie and said "I will always be with you, but you need to love again. I will always love you but you must live your life". She took one last breath before she went to spend her days dancing unsung the stairs and frolicking with the moon goddess.

I felt a single tear fall down my cheek thinking about it. I looked up to see Jamie's face clouded by grief. "I can't let her go" he said looking at the table.

"One day maybe you'll meet you second chance mate" I told him. He just nodded his head.

After a short silence he said "where going to find your mate I'm not going to let what happened to Emm happen agin".

He's right Evie will be out even if I have to take a silver bullet to the heart for her. I will make sure that she is ok. I will put together an army and attack those little bastards. NO ONE TUCHES WHATS MINE!

I know that is been a awhile since I've posted so I'm really sorry. I would really appreciate it if you voted for this chapter. Stay safe I love you guys!!!

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