Chapter 1- Nuisance

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I walked down the Isle of a grocery store the bright neon lights blaring, I stoped in front of of some apple juice. I haven't anything to drink in so long that just the sight of it made my mouth water. Before I was banished apple juice was my favorite drink, it was pretty much all I would drink.

I picked it up, unsourced the lid and gulped it down. I threw the empty container on the ground and walked out of the leaving the cashier with a wink.

I walked into the forest leaving the human world behind. I hid behind a tree, took off my clothes put them in my small duffel bag, and changed into my wolf.

I picked up my duffle bag in my jaws and headed south. Ever sense I was banished all I've done was head south to get away from my awful old pack. They my be my birth pack but it was never my home.

I've been running for an hour before I crossed into another packs Territory. "Can we have some fun" Stela asked. I giggled and head deeper into there territory. In the heart of it was were the pack lived and I knew to stay out of there so in stead I stayed closer enough to see the border.

I was walking for about ten minutes before I picked up the sent of two pack wolfs. I knew that the were trailing me so I decided to mess with them. I started to head deeper into there territory.

I herd a growl behind me and the sent of a pack wolf was overwhelming. I turned around and saw a large gray wolf. He snarled at me clearly telling me to leave but I didn't care. I looked into his eyes and winked. He looked like he was about to explode and it made me want to die of laughter.

He hurled himself at my neck, I barely had time to move out of the way before his teeth clamped down on my tail. I spun around and bite his ear as hard as I could. He tried to pull away tearing his ear of. His ear was on the ground and blood was dripping down his face. All that was left was the base of his ear.

His brown eyes turned pitch black as his wolf took over. He launched himself at me going for the death blow but I was quicker I slid underneath him clawing his stomach.

I stood up and looked at the wolf behind me. The right side of his face had turned completely red and blood was gushing from his stomach.

This is were most rouges would go for the death blow, But not me for some reason I can never bring myself to kill another wolf so instead I leave him with my mark. I jump onto his back him falling under my Weight and I take a bite out of his good ear. He can still hear out of it but there a bite taken out of the side.

I jump off of him, grabbed my bag and start to walk away. He looks like his mind linking someone. I hear a howl coming from my left. I start running to the border but the stop when I see a group of ten wolves blocking my exit. The wolves made an U and in the center was a wolf in there human form.

I skidded to a stop only ten yards away from the wolves. The man stepped forward and I could tell he was the beta he just had that look to him.

"Shift back she-wolf before we attack" he commanded. Did he really think that I would just sift into a naked vulnerable human self because if he did he was far from right. I sat down a stared at him. " I will not ask again she-wolf sift back or you will be dragged to prison" he snarled. Did he really think that would scare me, like those big clumsy old wolves could catch me. I looked him dead in the eyes (which should never be done to some one of a higher rank then you) then I rolled my eyes.

"Last chance you nuisance, sift now or rot in prison" he snarled. All of his wolves looked ready to pounce, teeth bared in a snarl but I wasn't scared. I stood up and looked around I saw a tree with a low branch and got an idea. I picked up my bag and managed to get it around my neck then I slowly walked over to that tree as if I had given up.

I took one more look at the beta and winked. Before he could register what was about to happen I jumped onto the branch then onto another then onto the back of a wolf. I hopped off of the wolf a sprinted as fast as I could to the border. The wolves were so confused that I had a few second head start.

I hoped over a stream officially crossing the border and looked back. They could not harm me outside of there Territory because it was against pack law.

Pack law was a set of rules that each pack must follow or else the ruling pack could take your territory. The ruling pack was the Alpha of the millennium's pack. The Alpha of the millennium was like the Alpha of all alphas. If he told you to do anything you had to do it or you could get a bounty and if you had one of those you were a dead wolf walking. If a pack catches a wolf with a bounty and turned them in they would get more Territory and that was worth not then money to a wolf.

I looked across the stream at the pack of wolves and flicked my tail at them then turned around and left.

I continued south until I smelt a herd of deer. I stuck up my nose to get a whiff of that delicious smell. I took of my bag, lowered myself to the ground and carful placed each paw making my way over to the deer. I peered through the long grass and saw a herd of about twenty-five deer in front of me. "Jackpot" stela said ready to finally get a full meal.

One fat deer looked slow and old, The perfect dinner. I burst through the grass grabbing the deer by the back leg and biting until I herd a Crack. I know from past meals deer can still get away with a broken leg so I grabbed the other back leg until again I herd a Crack.

Now that the deer couldn't run away I jumped on its back and bit it's neck killing it. Stela was squealing about our catch. I went back and grabbed my bag. Once I got back I devoured the entire deer in under five minutes. I burped after I finished the last of the deer.

I started to look around for a place to sleep as the sun was almost completely down and the moon was starting to fill the sky. I looked up and saw a little cave to my right. It looked cozy so I walked over bag in mouth and curled up inside wondering what tomorrow would bring for me.

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