Chapter 28-For me

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Lucas's POV:

It's been three months since Evie went into her comma. We moved her into my room so that I didn't have to keep going to the hospital.

All of her physical injuries have recovered. She no longer has all of those wires coming from her tiny body as well. To any normal person you would think she's sleeping, but the thing is she's not.

She's so pale and to cold. My wolf has been trying to reach her wolf but there's nothing there.

We killed ever rouge that was working with that little bitch. We did interrogate some of them and we pretty much got the same information. He promised them power and revenge if they helped him.

I sat down next to my mate and just looked at her. Why did the moon goddess do this to her. She was always so lively and fun and now she just a shell of herself.

She of the doctors are saying that she may never wake up and I should just give up. But I refuse to believe that she's gone. She is going to wake up she just has to.

I moved all of my work to my room so that I can stay with her. You never know she may wake up at any second and when she wakes up I need to be right here waiting.

I hear a soft knock on the door snapping me out of my thoughts. I looks up to see a nurse holding a bag with a clear substance.

"I am very sorry to disturb you Alpha but I am here to give the Luna some fluids" I spoke quickly and quietly.

I simply nodded my head telling her to help my mate. She swiftly walked in and changed out the bags. She took the empty bag with her but not before bidding me a good day.

I stood up from my desk and walked over to Evie. I sat down on the bed next to her and just looked at her. Why, why did the moon goddess do this to her.

I one of her little hand and hold it in my much larger one. They where cold but I could still feel the sparks. "Evie I'm going crazy without you. I need you right now. I need you to pull one of you crazy stunts or attack Thorn.

Please just come back to me. I can live without you. You make me a better person. You make me smile and laugh. You keep me on my toes. I know you try to seem tough but deep down you just a big softy and I love that about you.

I also know that if someone ever try's to hurt someone that you love then you would snap them in half. You never got to just live. You where so focused On surviving that you never got to live but you not have to do that anymore.

Your not a rouge anymore your my mate, my queen, my Luna, my everything. Please wake up my love, For me" I said as a tear fell onto the bed.

I lifted her knuckles up to my lips and placed a soft kiss on them before returning her hand to its original position. A small part of me hoped that this would be like all of those cliché moments in the movies where they wake up and tell them not to cry.

I hoped that her eyes would flutter open and she would tell me that she was ok and I shouldn't have stressed myself out so much. But that didn't happen. She's still laying in our bed asleep and I still have no clue where she's going to awaken.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter and I'm so sorry please don't kill me. I hoped you liked it though!!

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