chapter thirty-one

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Next Battle:

C:map versus Yahshuandi, the Gospel Rapper

A CHILL dashed down the spines of the fans. It was C:map versus Yahshuandi, the Gospel Rapper. Both were honored to spread the Word. One proud to share the spotlight with the rapper that changed his mindset on music. The other proud to share the same light with the secular artist who wasn't afraid to spread the truth. Claude against Isaac would begin the moment DJ Johnny let the next beat rip through the arena.

   “I don't think the crowd's ready for what's about to happen,” said the DJ.

   They tried to prove him wrong with their noise.

   “Trust me,” he insisted, “you guys ain't ready.”

   They increased their sound. The cheers echoed throughout the arena. Flashlights appeared within the audience slowly increasing in number as if mimicking the increase in volume.

   Johnny got a sample ready, tempting the artists. C:map took charge patiently waiting for a drop, but the DJ hit a one-eighty making it a RnB slow love instrumental. The rapper got the first word down before laughter and confusion filled the arena.

   “Did I not say I would get you back one day, Claude?”

   DJ Johnny gave the sick beat attention again, but Claude hesitated to put words to the drop after his friend got revenge for the other night. He wouldn't do it again, would he?

   The DJ had so much power with the push of a button. Johnny gave him a thumbs up though. He got his revenge, there was no need to do it again. Claude smiled and nodded.


Coming from school, we don't learn about religion
Taking Bible Studies away so we don't hear His wisdom
I got to live it right
I got to do it with precision
I was raised in Christ
But to surrender was my own decision
Watched by a crowd so I know there's temptation
Got my mama proud regardless of the situation
See we all made in His image
All part of His creation
But we continue to destroy
Like we were made for destruction
I trust Him like He asked me to and gave Him my burdens
Joy in the morning feeling like Moses when I split the curtains
Came a long way like walking through the Red Sea to get here
In God's land and He came down among us as simple as a server

   C:map shared some of his testimony with a structure that was on point. Some of the crowd began doubting their doubt of the artist. Claude had proved himself over and over again. This rap was the cherry on top.

   How would Isaac respond to it? Luke came to witness it for himself. The Gospel Rapper had a challenge and Johnny kept the instrumental banging hard.

(Yahshuandi, the Gospel Rapper)

When you close to breakthrough - the devil fights harder
And you don't need to get right to finally surrender
Look, the first four disciples were fishermen
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
Want me to worry about people talking about who I pick?
If you well, no need for a physician - I came for the sick
I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance
False preachers? Watch the fruit and who chases possessions
For it's hard for a rich man to get into heaven
When it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle
I pray you hear what I'm saying brethren
I told you three times who I'm going to bleed for
Saving the world with men, this is impossible
But not with God, for with God all things are possible
And the Pharisees are nothing but a whitewash wall
But He can change them too - look what He did with Paul

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