chapter twenty-four - thursday morning

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THE ROOM, itself was already cold. The terms and conditions made by the agent were no different. “That’s the deal I'm willing to make with you, kid,” he said.

   “I don't like the sound of that,” replied Luke. “Why don't you tell me everything first? Then I'll decide what's going to happen going forward.”

   “I don't like the sound of that,” said the agent, “it puts everything in your hands.”

   “Which I'm starting to think is about damn time!”

   Nick's lips froze. He wouldn't give anything away just yet. He needed assurance to not being locked away, but Luke wasn't budging. The celebrity seemed to be on some sort of premeditated mission. As if no matter what the agent said, he wasn’t getting out of this one.

   The Captain and a few colleagues were dissecting all that was being said from outside. The NCPA couldn't do anything unless Luke laid charges. So leaving him alone with someone like Nick was risky, but the celebrity was optimistic. He believed he had the agent in his back pocket. Thanks to Oscar, all the Force could do was wait and see.

   “Okay . . .” the agent finally surrendered. “What do you want to know?”

   “Why me, Nick?” asked the celebrity.

   “Why you?”

   “Why choose to play around with my life?”

   “I was not playing around with your life, kid. You have serious talent.”

   “Then why not trust me? Did you think I was going to lose the final?”

   “That doesn't matter, cause you are the artist I wanted –”

   “You not answering my questions,” said Luke. “Should I remind you that your fate is in my hands, Nick?”

   “How so?” the agent asked, hoping for Luke to mess up somehow.

   “Your house has been raided and the paperwork has been found.”

   “Oh, you can’t be serious,” an officer got upset. “I know he’s a rapper and all that, but surely he should know what confidential means?”

   “I wouldn't let it get to you, son,” said the Captain, who seemed to take a certain interest in the celebrity, “Luke Chase has the agent where he wants him. Just watch . . .”

   “I was not made aware of this,” Nick was raged inside, but kept calm.

   It could be true. The paperwork wasn't up country like he said, they were in the safe at his North City residence. A warrant would easily grant them access to it. But Luke could be lying about the raid. No, Nick couldn't risk it. His client dropping the charges was the only way out. He had to obey. And if that didn't work. He had a gift Luke couldn't refuse.

   “I want your word that you'll drop the charges like you said,” he continued. “I’ll answer whatever you ask.”

   “Do you think Isaac won the competition three years ago?” asked Luke, ignoring the request.

   “This again?”

   Luke got up to leave.

   “Okay, okay, sit down, kid,” Nick couldn’t stall for a breakthrough any longer.

   The celebrity gave his agent side eye.

   “Yes . . . Isaac won that battle three years ago. Are you happy now?” asked Nick. “You know, if it gets out that you won via bribery, your reputation will be destroyed.”

The Hidden Genre (C. H. H. Ain't Dead 01)Where stories live. Discover now