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When chairs creaked in the silence that overcame the arena, the MC glared at the crowd as if they were to reveal the answer. All eyes were glued to the stage, glued to the TV screen, glued to the envelope in the MC's hand. He held one name inside it and it had more attention than the two rappers on each side awaiting their destiny.

The winner would be given a contract by Decep Records.

The loser would be given a handshake by misery herself.

They both dreamed of making it, but faced the hard truth that only one of them would get to live it out.

The judges' eyes were stone cold. No facial muscles twitched. They knew who the winner was, but had no intentions of giving any hints away. It didn't matter. The crowd weren't searching for any. Each had their own opinion of who won.

DJ Smacks kept everyone on the edge of suspense, while the MC gave the contestants one more glance, but their eyes were firmly on the crowd as he slowly revealed the name to himself.

Were they not friends? These two rappers . . . if they didn't show any signs of knowing one another now. How much more so when one was touring the world, while the other toured the daily nine to five routine of life?

"And the winner is . . ." the MC's face expression sparked murmurs amongst the crowd.

Was it a draw? And if that was the case, would the record label give contracts to both finalists? Or was he completely surprised at this year's winner?

"Luke Chase . . ."

"Give it up for this year's winner, Luke Chase!" DJ Smacks echoed over the shockwave that hit the crowd.

The rapper to the MC's left had a huge cloud burst of movement! Complete opposite to the amount of energy used in the MC's announcement. Winning this competition meant Luke clearly had the talent to go far in the industry, but the same couldn't be said about his dancing. Nevertheless, the vibe was contagious and like a virus the cheers spread throughout the arena.

The shock of the words that left the MC's mouth was so intense that the protocol of comforting the loser almost slipped his mind. He turned only to see that the loser had faded backstage already. His kid walked away with the world on his shoulders as tears were streaming down his face.

The MC's body temperature rose and made him light headed; as sight became a magnified mirror. He blew his cheeks as if the heat would exit his mouth like what his kid spat. The noise of the crowd blurred out like everyone else around him. Only his wife sprinting towards her son was within his sight. He couldn't process the fact that he was forced to announce that his kid lost the battle, especially when it felt to be the complete opposite.

"Don't let it get to you, son," he heard his wife say. "Sometimes the words mean more once understanding is possible."

Had the judges got it wrong, or was this just a parent thing?

"Welcome to Decep Records, Luke Chase," the agent pulled up on stage with a smile that one would normally see on a proud father. "Now, let's conquer the world!"


Very important, please note:
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