chapter eleven - part one: sunday morning

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A SIGN board was deep rooted into the grass. The saying was just as deep in the hearts of those in the Church. However, it was a new adjustment from when Luke was last here. The clothes he wore was black and plain. The hoodie was the perfect choice in case he needed a quick escape.

   Questions. A lot of questions was what he didn't have the energy for, especially since his knowledge was at a minimal. Last night, Luke went through the first book in the New Testament like a student the night before an exam. Not because he had an interest to learn, but if questions were to start flying, he didn't want to look stupid in front of Ruth.

   “Welcome to North City Church: This building is nothing but four walls without the Church,” he read softly. “What happen to the days when we said, 'We going to church on Sunday,' not, 'The Church is meeting at the usual spot today,' it makes the church sound like a living . . . thing.”

   He dared not say body.

   A hand planted itself on the celebrity’s shoulder, “How dare you, Luke? How dare you stand with your shoes on sacred grass? Take them off!”

   “What? Really? I'm sorry!” Luke almost panicked, “I will . . . but, you got yours on too.”

   “I'm just joking, bro,” Isaac and his mom got a good laugh. “You said you went through the Bible last night, did you read anything about sacred grass?”

   Question number one and already he had no answer. Luckily Ruth was nowhere to be seen. This was going to be a long service. Some of the older people looked at them as if they were little children making a noise. Luke felt an urge to go shove his awards down their throats.

   Mrs. Banner saw Chantal with her daughter and took leave towards them. The “kids” greeted the latter with waves, but Ruth came directly to them. She hugged Isaac first. Luke thought that maybe the best was kept for last, but the first hug lasted longer than it should have.

   “Welcome Luke,” Ruth gave him a hug so short, one would think she friend zoned him, as if Luke Chase got friend zoned by women. “I'll keep seats inside for you guys.”

   Ruth hurried a bit to join a couple of the CBM staff members walking inside.

   “And here I thought I've figured women out,” Luke mumbled to himself.

   “Thought no one would notice you with a hoodie on?” Isaac walked ahead laughing, “maybe she just recognized the Luke Chase that has no jewellery on. You never know, bro.”


Inside the seating seemed simple enough to everyone. But no one knew the war that went on at that very moment. Ruth left two seats on her left open, but left the decision in their hands. Isaac didn't want to be too obvious, so he gave Luke first pick. He had to decide if he wanted to sit next to Ruth and finally find out what her issue was, or get the last seat on the edge? No brainer . . .

   He used the hug received as a guide to his decision and they finally took their seats next to Ruth. She sat next to the couple of CBM staff members, not too far from stage nor too close to it.

   Luke showed enough respect to take his hoodie off once he was seated. Isaac was alongside his crush, and this gave Luke the end seat in case a quick escape was needed.

   “Man, this place ain't as full as it use to get,” Luke's eyes wondered around. “Bro? Ain't that the judges?”

   Isaac stopped his conversation with his fellow colleagues the moment he heard the word judges.

   “The judges from the competition?” Isaac asked.

   “Yeah, I never took them for Christians,” said Luke, “I wonder if I should go greet them?”

   “First of all, they weren't followers back then. They only truly surrendered their lives about six months ago,” said Isaac, “secondly, we about to start. You can greet them afterwards, bro.”

   “But they are part of the reason why I am where I am today,” replied Luke.

   “Why do you say that?” Isaac questioned cautiously, “they did nothing but say who won and lost. What else could they have possibly done to get you to the place you are?”

   “That's just it: I won, because on the day, they thought I was better than my opponent,” Luke dared not say ‘you’ as much as he liked the sound of it. “If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have gotten that contract. I think I should –”

   “Good morning everyone,” Chantal took to the stage, “and a very warm welcome to our guests on this overcast morning.”

   Maybe Isaac was right and it would be better if he went to greet them afterwards, especially since they were serving in the church. Luke sat down, “I'll wait till after.”

   “Let's welcome brother Ryan this morning,” Chantal finished and the Church welcomed him with a warm applause.

   “Good morning to you all,” said Ryan, “leading up to today, I really asked the Lord to give me the right words to say. See, I understand how difficult life can be for the youngsters of today. They surrounded by all these people talking about how great life is when you live for yourself, and how you should totally go find yourself. Let me tell you this, finding yourself doesn't make you any less lost, unless you found yourself in the Body - may ye with ears hear,” Ryan journeyed to the book stand on the stage. “‘Go on a soul searching journey to find out who you really are,’ they say. I say, the day you find out who made you, is the day you find out who you really are. But listen to what Paul wrote to the Philippians:

   Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, of any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:1-5 NKJV.

   Overall, what is he saying? We need to be more like Christ. Not ourselves. That’s why you see Jesus told us to deny ourselves, not find ourselves. You can go how many years on a soul searching journey to “find yourself,” but if you don't find that self kneeling at the feet of Jesus, then you have searched in vain, my friend. One day every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess, that Jesus Christ, is Lord. With that being said, I want everyone to turn their attention to Luke.”

   Luke's heart stopped. “Bro . . .” he turned his attention to Isaac. “Is Ruth's father really going to put me on the spot like that?”

   Was this their plan the whole time? To bring him to the church, call him out for being selfish without actually knowing that he gives back, and then mock him in front of everyone for not being Christ-like?


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