chapter fifteen - part one

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MRS. BANNER sat in her war room, not too far from the kitchen. She was digging into the scriptures and came upon the parables in Matthew. She got absorbed in it, everything around disappeared and left her alone with the Word of God.

   Why was the Spirit leading her to the parables? Who would she reach with them? Surely God would reveal it.

   A struggle at the front door startled her. It continued like the man who wrestled with God. Mrs. Banner slowly approached her room door as the front one gave in.

   Was it Isaac? No, she hadn't heard the car pull up, plus, he was with Ruth tonight.

   The intruder closed the door and another struggle with what should be fake keys took place. It was as if the door used it's last breath to hold off the enemy for her to escape. But Mrs. Banner did the opposite.

   “Come on,” a mutter came from the door as she approached cautiously with a weapon.

   A weapon? When did she take the time to grab something? Mrs. Banner looked at her hands shivering and there it was, the weapon. She had grabbed the Bible for protection.

   Since Isaac had the car, this intruder must've thought no one was home. The steps were heavy on the wooden floor; it had to be a male.

   This guy also had to be really confident that no one would come home for quite some time, or really stupid to go have a meal in the kitchen before checking the house.

   “Thank you, mom,” the voice said to himself, “this is what I need right now.”

   Did this guy pray to a mother god? If so, how was the parables connected to it?

   The moonlight, invading the house, revealed the figure of the man who sat by the table. The hairstyle, in the dark, familiarized itself with her. The cold stung Mrs. Banner’s arms as she leaned against the wall. The pain would be worth it if she could endure long enough to get a final glance at the intruder. Luckily, the man prepared to use the knife and fork for her supper, rather than her. Then she found out why.

   “Isaac?” she snapped the light on. “Why are you sneaking around?” the Bible relaxed on her side, “you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

   “I'm sorry, mom,” he stood up in his reply, “I didn’t want to wake you up . . .”

   “It’s fine, I wasn’t sleeping –”

   Isaac’s eyes were drawn to the weapon, “Were you going to hit me with that?”

   “What can I say? I thought you were an intruder, Isaac. I heard no car pull up, which I admit, is probably because I was full on focused in the Word, but still, that was scary, son.”

   A playful smile overtook Isaac's face. “So you were either going to hit me with the Word, or actually hit me with the Word.”

   “You'll be surprised what a hardcover book can do, just ask John Wick,” joked Mrs. Banner. “Where did you park the car?”

   “The car’s outside,” Isaac sat down, “I'll pull it in after I eat, if you don't mind.”

   “I do actually,” she said sarcastically. “That's my supper.”

   “Oh . . . did you make me?”

   “It's fine, you can eat it, son.”

   “You’re the best, mom,” Isaac left the elephant in the room and continued his mission with the food.

   “I didn't think you would be home this early,” his mom tried to pry and get an answer.

   “It's okay, what were you reading though?”

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