chapter twenty-nine

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WHO WOULD go to the semi-final?

   C:map, Uchiha Disciple, Ruth Rennells, Mkay, Yourz and Yahshuandi. They all waited anxiously on the stage. Young Chaser was calm, as if he knew the four finalist personally. The way the people went on about, Bloodline, he must be a guaranteed top four if not the winner. The crowd was silent waiting for the MC to call up the names.

   “Okay, y'all,” Datin held an envelope in his hand, “the names have come in regarding the four that are through to the semi-finals. Those that are on this list are the ones with the most shots. However, not in any particular order. Remember, just because you part of the first four mentioned, doesn't mean you through to the next round,” warned the MC. “I will declare the winners in the order of my choice. Are y'all ready?”

   The crowd attempted at a cheer but the nerves got the best of them.

   “Seek first the kingdom and everything else shall follow, I want y'all to remember that,” he looked at each rapper that stood before him, “even if you don't win tonight, remember why you did it in the first place. Don’t lose the passion. This competition doesn't guarantee you anything but exposure. Yes, the winner would have a greater chance of being signed to a label, but it isn't a guarantee. You could go home right now, but still be approached by someone longing to promote your sound. My opinion, I see talent and potential in each and everyone of y’all. Stick to your roots, and y'all go far.”

   The contestants nodded in gratitude for the acknowledgement, but not one had any intentions of going home first. Not with the world watching. This was the time to be recognized by a label, and going home doesn't exactly count.

   “When I call your name, please step forward,” said Datin, “Yourz.”

   She stepped forward with not even a hint of satisfaction. The people in the stadium were on the edge of their seats wondering if she would be going through. 

   “Uchiha Disciple, please come forward.”

   There was gasping amongst the supporters. Were they going to take the first two spots? Were they about to leave the bigger known artists battling it out for the last two? Some of the students thought that was the case, that their teacher was into the next round, but they were calmed down by the other supporting teachers as if they were still in class. All eyes fell on Datin.

   “Thank you for your participation, but this is the end of the road for y'all.”

   The crowd was left speechless, but some murmurs managed to escape the mouths. Whoever, in the history of competitions, told two contestants to step forward, and then sent both, not one home? The two rappers bowed in respect to the MC, the people and last but not least, their fellow Christian artists. They were cheered off the stage.

   Yourz was all right until she stepped out of sight. Realization hit her and tears fell like a cloudburst. The Uchiha Disciple, more experienced of the two, had to comfort her.

   She had overcome so much in her country before she got invited to promote her music in a competition that would have a worldwide audience. Lyrically, Yourz wasn’t far off compared to her fellow artists, and she would only get stronger from this. The talent was there, and as long as she used it, she wouldn’t lose it.

   The Uchiha Disciple had no problem with the loss, but the disappointed kids hurt his heart. He came to share his love of the Word and anime. The kids came for the excursion more than anything. They would be leaving tomorrow evening, but they still had much to explore in North City. Each second available would be spent wisely.

   The MC looked up at the now, six, slightly nervous artists in front of him. He asked them to stand a bit closer to each other, ensuring that no one would bite.

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