chapter fifteen - part two

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They came to a club of a different kind, but it wasn't a sports club either. There were no lines filled with overexcited hormones. And there were only two bouncers at the door; but it was probably their size that forced that predicament.

   Inside, the bass didn't drown the lyrics, but allowed the words to float throughout the place. Suits were everywhere like it was going out of fashion, and Luke would have blended in perfectly if it wasn't for the style of his. But Ruth was underdressed.

   She wanted Luke to use this as an opportunity once and for all to get off the fence. Right now, he hung on it staring at the other side, as if the opportunity to climb back over were to present itself, he wouldn't think twice.

   Was this that opportunity?

   “Stay by my side,” Luke put on shades to keep the ladies guessing when his eyes wondered around, “you don’t want to be alone in a place like this.”

   Ruth stole many eyes, mostly women’s, but they were daggers more than anything. Their eyes questioned what made her so special to be with the one and only Luke Chase? But all she really wanted was Isaac's gentle chocolate eyes, yet he was too oblivious to the signs. Luke on the other hand was too immature to be involved in a real relationship.

   Why did she agree to this anyway?

   “Luke!” yelled Nick Dobe, “I'm glad to see you, kid.”

   “I've come to do this gig and get back to my life, Nick,” said Luke, seriously. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

   “That's what you get paid for, but I got to say,” the agent checked his client out, “this suit is better than the one we prepared for you.”

   “Thank you, but this was for my date.”

   “Excuse me,” Ruth interrupted. “Date?”

   They were too close to the speaker for Luke to hear the tone of her voice properly, therefore he introduced her as if that was what she meant.

   What the celebrity didn’t know was that they knew each other already, not face to face, but over the phone, and this made the agent nervous.

   “You go get ready, kid,” said Nick, “I'll guide Ruth to the VIP section.”

   Luke Chase left and the agent stood there with his eyes studying Ruth. She was displeased with him as much as she was with Luke over the issue. Regardless, Nick offered his arm to the guest. “May I?” Because of Luke’s warning, she accepted it. “Did he pick you up by your house? Are you the reason for that little performance at the church? What are you playing at Ruth?”

   She need not answer what she didn’t want to.

   Nick was annoyed at her silence. “Are you trying to ruin this boy's career, girly?”

   That was it, Ruth broke away from him as they reached the VIP section. Never once in the past two years did she think she would defend her mother as “owner” of that word. “You, more than anyone, don't have the right to call me such.”

   The incident caught the attention of a few VIP members. Nick hid the rage and portrayed a smile instead, “Just sit back, relax and watch the revival.”

The Hidden Genre (C. H. H. Ain't Dead 01)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt