Bonus wip

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"Riley" Alice's smooth voice called my name, tearing my gaze away from the analog clock on my wall, just above the desk.

"Yes?"I responded with a smile, that didn't quiet reach my eyes. Don't get me wrong. Lying with her head right above my heart is everything that I've been dreaming about for a while now. I'm just scared. I'm scared becausethis is just a moment after all and just like every other moment, this will end soon. I don't want that. She frowned as she noticed my sad smile.

"What's bothering you?"Alice asked me as she was tilting her head upwards on my chest to meet my eyes. She's so beautiful.

"Nothing, don't worry so much"I said, not wanting to let her know the childish reason behind my worries. Alice squinted her eyes, she obviously didn't believe me. She sat up on my bed, making me miss the warmth of her body on mine. Wow, perverted much?
"Riley, you can tell me everything, especially the ones that are troubling you"she told me with a stern, but sweet voice at the same time. I gulped, I didn't like lieing to her. I wanted to open my mouth, reassuring her one more time that there was nothing wrong, but she stopped me. "I'll leave if you won't tell me"she joked, but instead of laughing, it made me scared. My hand gripped the fabrick of her blouse tighter. Alice noticed that, realising that her joke wasn't the nest timed. To calm me down, she climbed on top of me and rested her head above my heart, on my chest, while her legs were on either side of me, trapping my body in a hug. Her left hand started writing patterns on the right side of my chest, while her right one found my left and intervined our fingers. My free arm instantly went around her waist. However this didn't make my heart calm down, instead I felt it shivering with joy, if that's even possible. I could see the corner's of Alice's mouth to turn upwards when I felt my chest buzzing. She must have felt it too.
When she thought that my heart wasn't running wild from fear, she climbed higher, so that we were eye to eye and lied down next to me, with half of her body still on me. Her hand carresed my cheek, pushing my bangs out of my eyes.

"Does it have something to do with that clock on the wall?" Wow, she's so smart. I nodded shyly.

It feels pointless to hide things from her now.

Don't kid yourself. She will leave as soon as she hears your reason.

What do you mean?

She doesn't need someone so clingy and broken. Have you looked in a mirror? You are a fucking mess.

But she, she said that she liked me. She said-

Can't you see when people are pitying you? Oh, sorry. I forgot that you couldn't even see how Dani was playing with you. Or how your father-

Shut up! It's not like that!

Then tell me how is it? We both know who will be right in the end. It will be-

"Riley!" Alice's concerned voice brought me back from my battle with Coss. I only then noticed that I've been forcing my eyes shut so hard that when I opened them I stared seeing blurry spots all over Alice's face. "What's happening?" she asked again, cupping my face.


Don't say a word you fucking disgrace!

"Please don't leave me alone"I finally chocked out with a wavy voice. Alice's eyes widened. Oh no. She's going to leave me. She's going to leave me just like you said. Why am I such a f-

Her arms went around my body, pulling me onto her in a warm embrace, making my thoughts disappear.



Hello there. I found this small wip on my mom's laptop as I was cleaning it out, so I thought i should drop it here.

Wear yall masks and stay safe

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