The bitch, the curly and the cutie

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 Let me tell you another thing,what I assume you already know. If you cry yourself to sleep you will probably wake up with the feeling of your head exploding and with a really puffy red head. And let's not mention the bed head,which has nothing to do with the crying thing at all,but it's mention worthy. Anyway the next morning I woke up still holding onto the wooden box. I'm very lucky that the box has a good lock, otherwise everything inside of it would be now crushed under me. Even if I don't look like I weight much, I know that I am really heavy. I remember when I was little, some kids said that I was fat, I believed them and stopped eating for a day. Mom noticed it pretty fast and scolded me. After that she and Madison took me out for pizza to a family restaurant. We always went there to celebrate or when one of us was sad. We had a table with our name on it, the owner didn't mind it, mostly because he was a cool guy. He helped a big time to Madison and mom. I wonder what's up with him now? Now that I think of it...I'M BACK! THIS IS THE TOWN I GREW UP! How come that I just notice it now? Because you were too busy ogling at Dani. Okay, that is so not true! And if I was looking at her so much then so did you, you are me! Then why am I arguing with myself? Why am I even asking myself?! Am I loosing my sanity?!....well if I did then at least I can always count on a smart person's opinion...and now I'm actually accepting my that normal or am I-

"Riley, are you awake already?"Madison saved me from my thoughts whit her question. She was in front of my door, but I heard her heels tick away fast. I got out my bed and searched for some clothes to wear. I picked a pair of ripped jeans, a simple grey shirt and my leather jacket. Once I finished dressing up I had to get my shirt down because I forgot to put a bra on, with my lazy and forgetting mind I lost like 2 minutes. I know 2 minutes is much to just put on a bra,but if you saw how bad I am with putting on bras then you would understand. I have a feeling that I will always have a red mark across my back, if I will continue like this.

Anyway, I finally went down with my bag hanging from my shoulder and simply threw it next to the sofa in the living room. I walked in to the kitchen and found Madison turning off the stove. She made her special blueberry pancakes, which I love so much.
"Morning."I greeted her and made some coffee for myself.

"Good morning to you too."she said smiling at me. Actually she came over and gave a kiss on my forehead. She pulled back disgusted. I raised an eyebrow at her as she grabbed something from her lips."Is April sleeping on your face again?"Madison asked and I just laughed at her.

"When isn't she?"my coffee was finally ready and I happily started to drink it while eating the best pancakes in the world. At some point April came and jumped on to my lap. That remind me.
"Madison, where is Latty?"I asked. Latty is Madison's old cat. Eventually Latty was brought in to the family the same time as Madison. She and mom adopted her together from a shelter, I was around 3 years old that time. Her name is pretty weird, it's because when she was a kitten she fell into a mug of coffee, so my mom named her Latty, like Latte. She is the one of the only things left from mom to her, well beside me and her mysterious box, which she mentioned in her letter.

"Oh..."Madison's face became pale and she dropped her head. Before she would had even said a word I already assumed what had happened."She died...a couple of months ago...she became sick and...they couldn't help her."I finished my coffee and walked over to her and embraced her. Madison hugged back, but didn't cry, however she breather kinda shaky but after she let out a big breath it went back to normal. After she pulled away I gave her a pat on the back and went to wash my dishes. Madison walked out of the kitchen to the living room and put on some music and she turned the volume up. I missed this! When was the last time when we did this? Madison and mom always had this habit to put on music in the morning, instead of watching boring news like every other boring people they put on a music and dance around the house, while getting ready for work. When I was little I always woke up earlier to be the one to choose the station, so we could always listen to my kind of music. But after mom had died and we moved I had lost all motivation to wake up early, in fact it just motivated me to stay in bed forever. I missed those days when we were dancing together...I miss the times when we were together...

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