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"Riley,wake up!" Madison shouted from the hallway. I grunted in response and turned to my other side. 

"Just give me 5 more years."I murmured to no one,because Madison obviously couldn't hear me. I want to continue my dream,it was sooo good! There was a huge lion-bear thing that kept following me around. It let me to mount it and then we went to a different place where I had to save a kingdom. Shannon was in it too. She was a hero sort of and we helped each other. The kingdom was under the attack of the evil witch and she even captured the princess. Me and Shannon fought a lot,until we finally reached the castle of the witch. As soon as we stepped inside Shannon was poisoned and she followed the instructions of the witch. I had to leave her and go alone to defeat the witch. At the main hall I've found a scared looking Dani,who was dressed up in a nice dress, I don't remember what color and an angry looking Alice. Alice was dressed up in white,that thing I remember for sure. I ran to Dani's side and I was ready to fight Alice. The lion-bear wasn't by my side anymore, I only noticed it then. Through my whole dream no one spoke,but that changed when Alice's words were heard. She said "Stay away form her." The next thing I knew I was stabbed. I don't know who stabbed me. I know I turned around and saw their face,but I forgot it right after Madison woke me up. Speaking of Madison. She just stole my blanket. She thinks that will get me out of bed. You gotta change tactics, Madison. I turned again and I sat up immediately. I felt the same sharp pain. Then I felt my head hurting.

"What the hell?"I asked now kinda awake. I opened my eyes and I saw a wet Madison standing by my bed. I wanted to laugh so bad at her expression,but my face muscles were still asleep and not moving as they are supposed to do. "I'd tell you to cool down,but you already have done it." I said with a really raspy chuckle. I noticed a bucket by her feet. 

"Riley...get ready already."she said in a calm and collected voice. She's pissed

"Okay. Do you want to come like this? I'm not stopping you,but it's a bad example to show up so wet and bothered up in school."I teased her and Madison's face twitched.  

"No breakfast for you."Madison said and walked out of my room with the bucket in her hand. Dang! Whatever. I can manage without food until lunch. Maybe I will buy something from a nearby store at break time. I should get ready now. I finally got out of my bed and stepped right into the pool next my bed. Great. I walked over to my closet and put on a random pair of jeans,a random black shirt and a red hoodie over it. Then I went to my bathroom and did the usual things that people do in bathrooms. And no,I'm not thinking about those two girls from the school restroom. Perverts. Or I am the pervert because I brought them up. But because I brought them up you are now thinking about them and lewd stuffs. If not,then you are now,because I just mentioned and planted the seeds of pervertness in your head. You are welcome. And yes I'm breaking the 4th wall here.

 When I went downstairs Madison was already changed and she was waiting for me. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to April because Madison pushed me outside and inside her car. 

 The car ride was silence,occasionally I yawned a couple of times,but that was it. This was just the usual car ride,that we have been having for two three weeks now. I've been going to the same school for three weeks now and I'm actually getting used to it. Not to mention that I actually like this feeling. Every morning Madison wakes me up in some weird way. Then she drives us to school where I meet up with Shannon and Dani. Over these weeks we had grown closer. I even met Shannon's boyfriend. He seemed like a cool guy,his name was Logan. He's not attending our school,but he always walks Shannon to school,because he doesn't have a driving license yet. Now tell me, what is he if not a true gentleman? An overprotective boyfriend who doesn't trust his girlfriend and can turn into a crazy yandere boyfriend.... .... .... What the fuck,brain?

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