Alice:beauty and brain part 2

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People started to leave the classroom. Everyone was hype that they can finally leave the school or because they have one class minus for today. As for me I should be heading to my detention class, but I can't move. I'm paralyzed on my seat with Alice. Why is this happening to me? All I wanted to have a quiet time here, without any drama or contact with other human beings...that made me sound like an alien. But this is unbelievable. It my second day and I it feels like my second year or something. I have a crush already and I'm not proud of it. People try to befriend with with me even tho I show my disagreement about that. And I've already made half of the school my enemy. Not to mention I'm stuck with their leader for a month. Thank you school. Thank you God. I sighed and turned toward Alice. 

"So...What now?"I asked. Alice snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. She was bothered as much as me,but maybe because of other reasons.

"Look,I don't wanna spend too much time with you,so we gonna be done with that quick."she replied forced. I don't know if she was forcing herself to sound mean or if she was forcing herself to not say any meaner. I think the latter. I rolled my eyes at her and started to gather my things. "I suggest to start today,"she said and I nodded. Looks like she can say a sentence to me without being mean. "dyke." I take that back. I got up from my seat and threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Okay." I get her notebook and flip to the back of it and with a pencil I write down my number. She was shocked but I didn't care at all. "Here's my number. Drop me a text to where and when." I said and gave her notebook back.

"I'm not taking orders from you." I rolled my eyes. This girl is unbelievable

"Whatever, Princess." I said tired and walked out. Once I was out of the classroom I leaned against the wall and let myself to fall to the floor. This day is too exhausting. I forgot how tiresome people can be. I want to go home and talk to Grace and Max. Finally I stood up and hurried to the detention class. It wasn't that far away and I already walked past it a couple of times. I wonder who's the detention teacher. It wouldn't be bad if Madison was there.  Tho I can't talk to her like a friend in front of other people. I walked in to the classroom and saw the teacher,whom I loved the moment she looked at me. That's right. The dear math teacher. God must hate me. She turned toward me and smirked at me.

"Causing trouble on your second day already."she said with as much disgust as possible and shook her head."Sit down and don't say a word!"She demanded and after another sigh I did what she ordered me to do. I headed toward the back row but Miss Vargas cleared her throat in disagreement and pointed toward a seat somewhere in the middle. I swear if I roll my eyes again they will fall out and if I sigh then I will spit out my lungs. I put my bag on the desk and rested my head on my bag. I could sleep a little,that's a good idea. I shut my eyes and let myself to drift to sleep,but then suddenly the room became even more colder. As I wanted to warm myself up in my jacket I noticed that I don't have my jacket with me. Shit! I forgot it in the bathroom! I gotta get it back!

"Um,Miss Vargas."I raised my hand. She looked up from her papers and shot me a glare. But answered me anyway.


"Can I go to the bathroom?"I asked. She raised an eyebrow. I guess she doesn't believe that I'm joust going to the bathroom."I'll be back in five minutes."I reassured her.

"Three."I nodded."And I'm counting."I nodded stood up. When I opened the classroom's door guess who was in front of me. Yes! You guessed it right. Alice I-don't-know-her-last-name!

"Um." Well this is awkward. I stepped away from the door to let her in. Alice nodded and walked to Miss Vargas. I was expecting something more. Like a snarky comment or that she would try to trip me. Anything but a nod. I would have stood there and think more,but I didn't have much time and I was cold too. I ran to the bathroom what I found empty. To my luck my jacket was still on the counter. Thank you God,you actually love me. I walked to the sink and put on my jacket. It was cold,but I knew that after a minute it would warm up. I looked at myself in the mirror. This shirt is pretty cool. I gotta look up for these kind of shirts on the net sometime this week.

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