Problems (2)

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"Hi,Riley."Eliza greeted me when she opened the front door.

"Hey,Eliza. Is your sister inside?"I asked as she invited me inside. She nodded and smiled at me. The thing I noticed since I've been visiting the White house is that Eliza is the only person who seems to be home. Her parents seem to be nonexistent. I mean, I had practically spent the whole weekend here and no one had been home beside the two sisters. And it kinda bothers me to know that Alice is home alone,all day,until her little sister comes home. Well,only since my last visit, when the doubt of Alice's safety gave me a heart attack.

"Yes,she's been waiting for you." Eliza told me innocently, not knowing that this little piece of information brightened my whole day. I mean,who wouldn't be happy to know that somebody has been thinking about them all day long? Because I know I am. I beamed at Eliza and petted her head,then made my way to Alice's room. Before entering the room,I stopped and knocked on it.

"Come in,Riley."Alice said from inside. How does she know that it's me? When entered the room I was greeted by a reading Alice in a wheelchair. That's new.

"How did you know that it was me?"my curiosity got the better out of me and I just had to ask. Alice closed the book and placed it on her laps,which was covered with a blanket. Her mouth was in between a side grin and a normal smile,which I found really characteristic.

"You are the only one who knocks on my door and Eliza left room saying 'I'm going to open the door for Riley'."she chuckled which made me smile. Aww. That's so cute. I like that kid. I averted my eyes from her lips and looked at the wheelchair.

"So...that is new."I said. Alice did a turn with her chair to show me how cool it is.

"Yeah,I got it today. In normal circumstances I would have took the crutch,but since my arm is broken I had to chose this."she said with a sigh. I guess she's not really happy to be in that chair. I grabbed the chair by her bed and placed it next to her chair. After I sat down next to her I grabbed my bag and pulled out the notes from today's class. Alice took them,glanced at them and then she grabbed a notebook from her dresser.which was next to her. Before she could start writing I took the notes away from her and tried to throw them on her bed. In the end it landed on the floor with,almost knocking down a photo from her nightstand. "Hey!"she exclaimed with a hint of laughter in her voice. I know that my aiming is bad,you don't have laugh at it. 

"You can do that later. You don't have anything to better to do anyways."I smirked and leaned back on the uncomfortable chair,to which by now I got used to. Alice rolled her eyes.

"And please tell me,what else could I do? As you said I've got nothing better to do."she smiled at her own words. 

"Well you could talk to me." Alice looked at me shocked,then she smiled at me nervously. 

"W-why would you talk to me?"she asked. You have no idea. I have no idea.

"To communicate with you,duh."I replied because I didn't know the answer myself.

"You know what I mean."she said slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong with talking to a friend?"I told her and she looked at me as if I were insane. She looked at me and it felt like an eternity until she finally spoke.

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