Advice and pills

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"Whoa! Are you okay?"

 I raised my head and with my blurred vision I tried to make out who is standing in the doorway. I whipped my tears again and looked shocked at the girl. What is she doing here?

"What the fuck do you want?"I asked as I turned my back to her. I'm not in the mood for her shit. If she wants to annoy me, she can do it when we are at school. I heard foot steps coming closer to me,but I still refused to look at her.

"Seriously. Look at me."she said with forced patience. Maybe if I won't look and talk to her she will leave. I heard her taking a deep breath,obviously holding herself back. Why would she do that? "Okay. You don't want to look at me." Yup. "And you obviously hate me."Dislike,not hate. I don't know her enough to hate her. The only person to who I could  say I hate them is that guy from preschool. He told me that Santa wasn't real. That bastard. "How about you look at me so I can leave as soon as possible."she suggested. The thing that I learned about her since I know her is that she's always seeks out a logical way to sort things out. And I'm impressed by that. I sighed. That doesn't changes the fact that I don't want her to see me like this. She would just make fun of me at school. Not that I care what others think. "Riley,look at me."she said again. That made me freeze. She has never called me by my birth name. What have I done to deserve this? I didn't save the world from global warming. I didn't save every homeless and starving people. I didn't find aliens or anything. Hell,I didn't even have my first kissI turned to her. She had her hand on her hips. She seemed surprised that I actually listened to her request.

"What do you want?"I mumbled enough loud to her to hear. Alice snapped out of her sudden daze and let her arms hang by her side.

"I needed the book. I wanted to do the project alone today,because you were obviously busy,with your...friends."she explained. I guess I deserved that much since I'm her project partner. "But when I came,I met Dani at your front door,so I thought that after all we could do the project."she said. I nodded. That would be a good idea. It would take my mind off from my self pitying. More like self hating."But since you aren't cut to it,I'll just take the book and go."she said and crossed her arms in front of her. I frowned. If she leaves me here alone, I will keep on thinking and I don't want that. I shook my head.

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