Partners 2:I'm not gay

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"You are going to be Dani's partner."

 I've figured that much out,thanks. I caressed my neck with my hand,a thing that I picked up while having an awkward moment or silence.
"What kind of partner?"I asked again.
"There will be a concert held by the school. Students partner up and play their own song. The winners would get scholarship to the Ivan Music and Art university. Dani is one of my best student but she doesn't have a partner or neither does she want to enter the contest."Madison gestured to Dani, who was looking at her shoes. She seemed to be embarrassed."So I thought that maybe you would like to, you know, team up with her."Madison said smirking.
I know what you are up to. And I can say that it's really appealing. I just rolled my eyes. I looked at Dani, she was looking at her shoes.

"Only if she wants to."I said and turned my body toward her. She looked up and our eyes met. She opened her mouth,then she closed it. It was like she was fighting whit herself or like she couldn't find the words. My right eyebrow raised out of habit and I shifted my body weight on to my other leg as I was waiting for her to decide.

"Then it's decided!"suddenly Madison exclaimed."The deadline is at November 21st,I'll be waiting for your song."She said and leaned back on her chair. Dani looked shocked and opened her mouth again,this time bigger.

"H-hey! I don't get to have a word in it?"she asks. I can understand why Madison wants her to participate. Madison leaned forward again,resting her chin on her hands as she was elbowing on the table.
"Not really, you would chicken out again and wouldn't do a thing." Madison said with a serious tone. No matter how funny, out going or loud really she is,when she's serious something is going on. Like when dad was mourning mom's death,Madison managed to talk him down from drinking and actually taking care of us. She made him realize that he wasn't the only one who was broken, all of us were,maybe Madison was most broken out of us four. After all she's been through with mom, I'm happy that I can still see her smiling. Not many people are able to be happy after something like that. Of course she wasn't like :"She's gone,but I will be still happy.". She always smiled around us,but at night,sometimes I sneaked out of my room to go to the bathroom and I always had to pass by her room. Whenever I walked past it I heard her crying. When I heard her crying I run to Matthew and dragged him out of the bed and ran to Madison and there we gave her a big hug and cried together quietly until we fell asleep together.

"Dani, I know things were and are rough on you,but don't let this opportunity slip away,just because some kids are idiots."She said in a soft voice ,what she always used to calm us down if we were sad or angry. Madison looked at me for a second then back at Dani. "And don't be afraid of showing who you really are."Dani was left speechless. It took her a couple of seconds to understand what her teacher meant,but after that she nodded and smiled truly.

"You're right. Thank you Miss. Mace."Dani turned toward me and offered me her right hand."My name is Daniella Lawson." She smiled at me. Now she didn't looked shy at all. She had a fire burning inside her eyes,she looked determined and ready to kick the worlds ass. She's something else. I took her small hand into mine and gave it a light squeeze as I shook it.

"Riley Moreau. Nice to meet you."I smiled at her. Her hand was soft and warm,I didn't want to let go but Madison singed with a fake cough that I should stop before,as she would say:"my panties would catch on fire",so I let go.

"I think you should head to your next class,the bell will rang soon."Madison suggested with a shit eating grin on her face,tho her suggestion was more like a command to get out of her class already. I rolled my eyes and pulled one more on my backpack. 

"Whatever you say, Miss Mace" I went to exit from the classroom but stopped halfway and looked behind me."Are you coming?" Dani looked a bit surprised but she rushed to my side and be walked out of Madison's class.

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