Partners 1

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 I was just about to facepalm myself, but someone called me out before I could have done it.

"Riley Moreau. You look so different since the last time I have seen you. You look like your mother." The gentle voice said. I turned my attention to her.

 And there she was. Madison Mace. My second mom. She looked as stunning as ever. Her short,shoulder length brown hair stood perfect as always. She wore a white button up shirt with a black vest upon it. To complete her outfit she wore black dress pants with 4 inch black high heels. Even with the high heels, I was still taller than her. From this angle I could see her well done make up, she could do magically things with make up,unlike me, who can only put on lipsticks and do her eyelashes. She was smiling at me. If she would want to she could be a real model. She even had the chance, but she refused because of mo-

"You won't even hug me?"she asked with a playful pout. I laughed a little, then wrapped my arms around her small body. I wonder how would feel to hold That Girl. People can say whatever they want or think, but I think it would be stupid to deny that I'm crushing. That's not gonna stop my feelings toward her and I'm not the same girl who was denying every crush of hers because she was still in closet and was afraid of rejections. No please, I've changed. My whole life has changed.

 "I've missed you,you blonde beast!" Madison said as she ruffled my hair. Yup,my name for her. Why? you ask. It's because once she had to wake me up for didn't end up well. Let's just say that she had to use her right hand instead of her left...aaaand I might or might have not broken two of her toe-fingers.

"Really? Cause you never even crossed my mind,not even once!" I said. She just rolled her eyes and sighed. Yup,the blonde beast is back! And it's about to suck out all of your energy with sass and sarcasm. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!! "Putting aside jokes,I've missed you too." I smiled at her. 
"We should go in now, I bet those kids are eagerly waiting for my lesson."I laughed at her. Madison showed me inside and she flowed me in to the class.

Everyone shut up when we entered and most of the kids were shooting me curious looks, which I just shrugged off. I stopped next to Madison's desk with my hands in my pocket. My black backpack was hanging lazily from one of my shoulder and it looked like it would fall down any minute, but in reality it stays there until I put it down myself.

"Kids, this is Riley Moreau. Please introduce yourself."Madison said in her teacher voice. Sometimes I forget how different is she in school. I cleared my throat and sent a little glare toward Madison. She know how much I hate to do this.
"My name is Riley."I said and then looked at Madison. Madison just shook her head.
"You can seat down now. There's an empty seat somewhere." Someone put their hand up,signaling that there's a seat right next to them. I pulled one on my backpack and made my way toward that free seat.

 My seat was on the left row somewhere in the middle. To my left was a window and to my right was...IT'S HER! She was sitting there with her head hung low,her hair covering her face. She now looked better. Her hair wasn't a mess like when it was tortured by those plastic bags. Her clothes were no longer wrinkled. I place my bag on the desk and sat down. I pulled out a notebook,a music notebook, some pencils and a rubber. When I looked over to her I was amazed. The sunlight from the window lighted her face perfectly. She was no longer hiding her face so I could see her chocolate brown eyes. They had a little black dots some places,but they were only visible when the sun lighted it, in other words when she wasn't looking down. I would have memorized more little special things about her but she just looked over to me and caught me staring. My eyes widened. Be cool,Riley. Just be cool. She was as surprised as I was,only that she showed it. She smiled at me and waved to me. I showed a little side smirk to her and nodded my head and as a wave. Her face became a little red and she quickly turned her attention toward Madison. She's cute

 Following her lead I I looked forward. Madison was already looking at me and I could see in her eyes what she wanted to say. 'I caught you Riley!' 'You like her!' Or something like these. She was talking about some big musician, but I've already heard that story. Benefits of changing school so much.Instead I flipped through my notebook to the page where I was writing the lyrics and continued. I was halfway done with it, I just needed one more verse and I needed to change a little bit the chorus.

 I was so into in my mind that I didn't even notice that the bell rung, Madison's voice was the one that snapped me out of my daze.
"Riley,Dani, can I have a word with you two?"I looked at her curiously. I haven't done a thing...yet. I gathered my things and went to Madison's desk. After a second I felt a person standing next to me. You sense this kind of things after some times,especially if your brother used to scare the living shit out of you when you were little. Thank you Matthew. I took a quick glance to my side to see the person's face. It's HER! I quickly looked back to Madison who was now smirking at me like the devil itself. Don't do anything stupid Madison or I swear!

 "So Dani,since you've told me that you would like to write your own song for the show,I think the best would be if you would team up with Riley." she said and gestured toward me. I looked at Dani as she looked shocked and looked up to me. I raised an eyebrow and waited to somebody to talk already. But of  course no one said a thing. Great, now I have to be an icebreaker. 

"Madison, could you explain what is happening here?"I asked her. Madison looked at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me Madison in school?"I rolled my eyes.
"Teacher Madison, could you explain what is going on, please?"I repeated myself.

"You are going to be Dani's partner."


Hey guys! I'm sorry that it's short but I'm trying to publish chapters weekly and I don't want to leave you hanging for so long. I promis I'll write a longer one for next time.

Have a good life! Bye~

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