Karma is a bitch

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--(Riley's POV)--

After switching schools so much you eventually get used to it, to new faces, new places, same rules, same story.
The only thing that changes about me is my reputation. Sometimes I am the new mysterious girl or the new anti social one or the new bitch or the new lesbian girl or the new vampire. I don't understand where did the last one came from.
The point is that you get used to being out casted and hated.

You eventually get used to it.


The sharp sound of my alarm filled my room.I groaned and with a good throw I made the little devil machine fall of one of the boxes. My room was full of unpacked boxes and empty boxes. There's no point in unpacking if in a month or two we are moving again. I sat up on my bed and I already missed it's warm. After all these years the only thing that I didn't let go, is my bed. It reminds me to a lot of things,this bed was always there for me. It hided me when I was on the run and covered me when I was scared. In other words:It kept me warm when I was cold.

I said farewell to my bed and started to search for some clothes inside the boxes. Of course I couldn't find any clothes,only books,CDs,guitar strings,posters,old tickets and movies. There were only three more boxes. One of them contains games and the other two my clothes.

I skip how I got dressed and how much trouble I had putting on my bra. Now I have a nice red strike on my back. I had my favorite black shirt on with the :"I am not perfect but I am limited edition",my brother's big army jacket which I claimed as mine and pair of ripped jeans which I stole again from my brother. Downstairs I found my coffee brown combat boots and my dad as well.

My father is a business man in his late thirty's. He is tall and handsome, intelligent and a real gentleman, everything a woman could want. At least a straight woman. My m-

"Riley,do you need a ride to school?"he asked behind his newspaper. Who thought some people still read those? Like that's why tablets were made for. But then again who am I to talk? I read books.

"No,thanks. I just take my skateboard,the weather is good outside."I smiled at him and went behind the kitchen island and grabbed my already made coffee. Me and father are pretty close not to mention my brother who's technically the heart of this family. After our mother died dad fell into depression,even tough they weren't together then,they were still friends and losing a friend is never easy. But my brother,I and Madison brought him back. After that we became closer than ever.

"If you say so. Don't forget that we have family dinner tonight, so be home by six."he reminded me. Every time we move we have a family dinner. Just me,dad and Madison and my brother via skype because he can't come home every second month to have dinner with us.But Madison lives here so she can have dinner with us finally."And remind Madison to bring her cat too. After all she's part of the family too."he added and smiled toward me. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek then went to school.


The school was even bigger than I expected it to be. The gates were huge and there were a lot of people. I hopped down from my skateboard and put it under my arm. It looked cool. Maybe this will be the only place I would miss beside Hungary. I walked in the school and stopped by a little map on the wall. I took a photo of it and tried to find the secretary.

After I got my schedule I went to my first class. It was math. I found my class what was pretty empty, considering that the bell already rung. I shrugged it off and sat down somewhere in the back. After waiting for two minutes I pulled out a book and started to write. The letters made words and the words together had a meaning and like this a lyrics was born.

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