Make me understand

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 "Dani, I'm sorry." I said for the hundredth time. Dani came over to practice the song, I had finally finished writing it, so the only thing left to do was practicing. But after we were done with practicing Dani refused to talk to me and kept playing with her phone. I frowned and sat closer to her on the bed. She turned a bit, so that her phone blocked me from her. I felt annoyed by the fact that a piece of metal is getting more attention than me. I grabbed her phone that vibrated under my touch. I ignored it and set it aside and leaned closer to Dani.

"Hey! Give it b-!!" Before she could finish her sentence I leaned in, resting my forehead against hers. Dani blushed and leaned back, but I didn't let her get away that easily. She leaned so far back, that her back eventually hit the mattress. I was towering over her. My hair shut out the world and it felt like we were the only ones in our own universe. Dani turned her head to side, refusing to look at me. I frowned and leaned down, resting my forehead on hers. Her face was burning, if I didn't know better I'd say that she had a fever, but she was just blushing.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I asked hurt. It wasn't my plan to make her feel guilty, but I wanted to fix things between us.

"Y-you know exactly why I'm mad." She spat out. I know what made her mad, but I don't completely understand. Okay, I know that Alice used to bully her, but I also know that she never meant it, not to mention that she has never done something unforgivable.

"Why do you hate her so much?"I asked her, leaning back a little. Her eyes found mine and glared at me.

"Are you serious right now?" I nodded with a dead sirius expression. Dani groaned and pushed me away, grabbing her stuff to leave. Shit! I quickly got up and stood in the way of door, blocking it.

"She's changed! At least give her a chance!" Dani stopped in front of me.

"You know nothing!" Her shout shocked me so much that she managed to push me out of her way and run out of the house. I only broke out of my daze when I heard the front door slam shut. You might be thinking why didn't I ran after her. To be honest I don't know either. Alice is my friend. And Dani is my girlfriend. They don't like each other. But I like both of them. And what does she mean that I know nothing? I know Alice's side of story. I know why she's acting the way she is. But Dani is right to an extent. I don't understand what happened between them, I don't understand why she can't give her a second chance. I don't understand what's going on between them. But if she won't tell me then I'll never know. Why do I have to go through drama? With a sigh and lied down on my bed, trying to erase everything from my mind.

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