"Would you please?"

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 My ride to home was a little bit longer due to the fact that my skateboard was broken and I had to walk home. Do you know that feeling when you do something and your mind is like *Brain.exe has stopped working*? Well I think that's what just happened to mine. When Brain.exe has finally started to run again I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I was still shocked by my sudden thought a couple of minutes ago. Why am I shocked over this? Fuck, I'm getting to attached to things by a short time...not like I would ever admit it. You just did. Shut up,you- me- THIS doesn't count! Back to the main topic, I AM getting to attached to things really fast and that's another reason on my "Why I don't have friends" list. Leaving Max and Grace hit me really hard, I was so sad that I wouldn't talk to anyone for a whole month except for them(Max and Grace),not to mention how mad I was at dad. I almost broke his nose. I can accept things,if they aren't that bad. Like a crush. I think crushes are nice. Yeah they might hurt like a bitch if you get rejected or even worse friend zoned,but I do believe they are nice. You think about them all the time,you dream about them and you -mostly them- and you start to believe that love really does exist after all. Tho I wouldn't say I love her. I just thought I like her. I can really hate myself at times like this. Calm down Riley. Look at the bright side, not only your head is messed up,but your heart too. Thanks, that really did cheer me up. At least I'm doing something! Not like you- me- us- whatever! God this is hard. See?! As I was saying she will be over soon- Shit! 
 I jumped down from my bed and looked over to my slightly damaged alarm clock. 03:55!!! I looked around my room and all can say is that it looks worse than Chernobyl. I started to put the boxes onto one another and put the to the far corner. At least that was the plan. I put the empty boxes on top of the other three one that were still full. I lifted them up and started to walk toward the corner,because of the boxes that were covering my eyes I didn't see what was in front of me and I tripped...on my bra. I fucking hate bras!
 I was lying on the ground with boxes and my stuffs all over me. Thank God that she's not here yet.

 "Oh my gosh!" Are you kidding me, dude!? "Riley, are you okay?" she asked as she rushed over to me. There was a box on top of my head luckily so she couldn't see my red face and by the time she took it off I managed to cool my head down a little. As she lifted the box off of my head I felt some wetness on my head. I touched my head and it was red. It is too bright to be blood. The box that held the paints must have fallen on my head. Dani didn't seem to notice that it's just wet paint and she looked like she could faint at anytime. Her face was pale and her mouth was slightly open. If I wasn't so embarrassed then I would laugh at her b- you know what? I'm gonna laugh anyway!

"Hahahaha!"Dani looked at me with confusion and worry. 

"W-why are you laughing?! You're b-bleeding!"She shouted at me and that just made me laugh even harder. I hold up on hand to signal her that I will calm down in a sec. I took some control over my body and finally stopped laughing. Dani looked really angry and concerned at the same time.
"What is wrong with you!? A-and are you hurt?"She asked and kneed down next to me. I giggled a little and touched the red paint on top of my head. She was observing me closely and I took my chance. I drew a red line on her face. She jumped by my sudden action and fell on her back.

"Hahaha!"I laughed at her. Okay,right now I'm just being mean. Oh,well. Whatever,not like I am a saint. Dani touched her face in fear and she seemed to freeze. Here eyes were wide and full of fear. "Um...are you okay?"I asked concerned and I felt like a thunder strike in me when I saw her eyes to get watery. Good job Riley! Now you've done it! What do I do now?! I knew that this was a bad idea. Shut up and help me instead! I crawled to her fast and I didn't know what to do. Tears were streaming down her face,they washed some of the paint down and the red tear drops dropped on to my floor,creating a little red pond.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't me-"I was cut off by Dani throwing herself onto my arms. I was paralyzed, but soon my arms wrapped around her. I hold her and rocked us back and forth,I drew little circles on her back with one of my hand,while I was smoothing her hair with my other one.
"It's gonna be okay. Don't cry. Or let it all out...everything will be alright."I whispered. What is going on?

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