52 | Danger

476 41 2

Cadmus' POV

I'm deep in my thoughts about what Mr. Lowell said not until Caiden asked me, "What about Lucas?"

Now that he said that, I remembered Tsilla's text message a while ago in which I did not have the time to reply back.I picked up my phone then called her, while gesturing Caiden to wait for my answer as I would like to clarify things to Tsilla.

But minutes passed and the call is still ringing. So I called her again for the third time, each rings gave me anxiety and worry. The call ended without her answering.

"Something's wrong?" Lorcan asked me when I turned around them with a bothered face.

"Tsilla's not answering her phone." I told them with worry on my voice.

"Maybe she is busy with Danielle? Oh speaking of that, should we go now to Lucas?" Caiden said to us while pointing towards the door.

"He's off the hook", I simply said to them but they looked so confused and so I told them, "Tsilla said so."

"Then that must be it!" Lorcan suddenly exclaimed while abruptly stood up and walked towards me then grabbed me with force,"She must have been on her way here that's why she can't answer you."

As he grabbed me with force, my instinct was to dodge it so I automatically leaned back but a crack sound suddenly resonated the room and I felt a sudden pain on my palm.

I immediately push lightly Lorcan for me to get up before turning around. I saw a crashed glass vase on the table with a little drop of blood. I glanced at my palm and I saw a red liquid dripping from it.


Instead of worrying about my bloody hands, my mind is now being polluted of a thought I don't want to think.

We were talking about Tsilla then suddenly a glass vase broke — you know what that means.

Flashback of memories suddenly came flooding my mind, specifically these past few days — my conversation with Tsilla.Now that I thought of it again, I noticed how she sounded. Sad. Melancholy. Sounds like she will leave, like she was already saying her goodbye.

NO! I violently shook my head as I try to shrugged off that kind of thought. We still have a lot of things to do, we still have to get the Executors Cup and I still have a lot of strawberry lollipop on our quarters, so surely Tsilla would not leave. Right? Right!

I jolted upon hearing Mr. Lowell shouting as he ran inside the room, "We tracked the IP Address!"

Just then Caiden suddenly stood up right in front of me and that's when I noticed that he had been cleaning my bloody hand. I am not even aware while he was doing it as I was deep in my thoughts.

"What?! Really?!" Lorcan asked in a surprised tone.

Mr. Lowell smirked after hearing how surprised Lorcan is, "Unbelievable right? Huh maybe Z's losing his touch."

"Anyway, we are now going there. I know you want to come with us so I am here to fetch you" Mr. Lowell continue then gestured us to follow him as he started walking out.

"Where?" I asked him before he was completely out of the room.He stopped then turned around to face us and smirked before saying, "North."

What? That's where Tsilla is! That means I can go to her, so I right away said then walked faster than Mr. Lowell, "Let's go then."

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