24 | Luxze

689 65 9

Brina's POV

We are currently on our way home and up until now, I still can't believe that they are trying to catch Z! More or less thought of her as a freaking fish! I even thought that I am a syndicate!

But more importantly someone is copying me!

After we just got home from the mall, I right away asked Lorcan, "Why do you think that person is Z? It is impossible, right?"

He looked at me with confusion written on his face so I spoke again, "Ah I am a fan of Z, I mean I know some things about Z"

He took a moment before answering, "That person tried to hack the system of our match with Warlords but did not continue and instead moved to his next target, the mall's system"

But that's not how Z works?

Lorcan may have noticed my confusion and so he spoke, "Oh he actually did leave some intriguing clues which is a very known method of Z"

Now I wanna know who has the guts to copy me. Is that person even on par with me? 

By leaving hints that he is Z, he just dig his own grave. How will that person survive the society living in the identity of Z – the most wanted hacker. 

When I arrived at our house, I saw mom looking outside through the window absentmindedly. I immediately go to her place to let her know that I am already here.

"Mom", I called her as soon as I am near her but she did not move at all, it is like she did not hear anything and so I called her again but this time with much more louder voice, "Mom".

I am glad she heard it now but soon my smile was changed into a thin line. I saw her like she is there but her mind and heart were not. She did not even showed any kind of emotions, she just looked at me and that's it, nothing else.

I worriedly go to her and asked what was wrong in which she answered, "No, Brina. You don't need to be involved in this adult fight."

Why are they like this? Why would not they tell their burdens to someone younger than them? I mean I am in a legal age already and I am sure telling what was bothering your mind would lessen the heaviness you felt in your heart.

"You can tell me that mom. I am your child and I would help you in fighting whatever that is." I said to her with a convincing tone and I am glad it worked.

'I'll get kick out of the company" She timidly answered. I suddenly felt my blood raising up to my head upon hearing what she said.

"What?! You are supposedly the owner of the company so why are you getting kick out!?" I can't help but to raised my voice out of frustration.

"I guess we upset him too much" She reasoned out and I just mentally rolled my eyes. I mean he can't just kick out the supposedly owner of the company. 

"When?" I asked her in which she answered "Two days from now"

I guess, Supreme Kairos would know how much difference it would be between the copycat and the authentic Z.

»•» ⚠️ «•«

I logged on to Incinerate of Execution hoping to let some stress out but what welcomed me shocked me. I saw my game ID Zero trending on the hot topic and when I clicked on that, it showed the friendly game between Supreme Kairos and Warlords.

The most popular clip is the fight between Zero and Stark, when he was frozen and I was decreasing his health by 3% using a very slow method.

Next on that is the clip when I said that I killed his game character exactly an hour after he called me little girl.

Most of the comments and posts are showing how amaze they are. I don't know but some even shipped Zero with Supreme Lux. I saw some of the clips about how Cadmus looks so proud right after I said my last comment to Stark.

[+750, -90] I saw Zero that day! She is a girl but I can't help falling in love by how dashing and astonishing she looks!

[+44, -6] You see how our great Supreme Lux smirk after Zero's statement? Arrgh I can't help but ship them!

[+630, -50] See these clips below! Our OTP fought side by side before! See how their teamwork works! *Two Video Attachements*

[+27, -04] What teamwork? That's what you call Chemistry!

[+18, -75] #Luxze for the win!

That's some of the comments I saw and also the clips where we fought together. I ignored them and instead, start a solo tournament. I logged on here not to gossip but to let some stress.

I gamed for about two hours and stopped. I took a bathe refreshing myself. Right after I got out of the bathroom, I heard the notification sound of my phone.

I saw a message from our newly made group chat named, Supreme Kairos 2.0, initiated by Lorcan. It only consists the five of us, the team who fought with Warlords.

Supreme Lux: You'll need to live here.

I hate myself for opening it so early and now I am the only one who seen it! Ugh, I can't do anything but to reply.

Zero: Why?

Sumpreme Lux: Told you we're joining the tournament next month and we need to level up our training.

Oh wait, time flies so fast! It's only a month away?! Only a month before I ago away?

Zero: When?

Supreme Lux: Two days from now. Ready your things. Important ones.

Zero: Ready your lollipop. Strawberry please.

I glanced at the clock and saw it is only five minutes away before 12:00 AM hit. I close the phone but I still saw a message:

Lorcan: REMINDER: This is a group chat solely for the team and not for a private message. Hope you all remember this especially to #Luxze.

I just shook my head knowing Lorcan is teasing us about that name created by the public. I immediately open  the computer and wait for the time.

Exactly the minutes and second hands overlap, I posted on the Quez Forum using an anonymous account in a cryptic message:


48H = 00:00

37° 34N ; 127

───── ❝ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐁𝐲𝐊𝐫𝐱𝐬 ❞ ─────

So can you decipher the message?

Are you ready for what's coming?

Ready or not always remember the foreword mentioned in the opening part!

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚, 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚!

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